VaLChrom – validation of chromatographic methods

About VaLChrom

Validation is used for testing how well different methods fit for purpose. Several international organizations have set different criteria for validation of chromatographic methods in their corresponding guidelines. We are developing a software named VaLChrom that enables the user to follow a chosen guideline. This guidance has been achieved by directing the user through several choices that apply for different guidelines. The ValChrom software enables to calculate different validation parameters based on users’ input data.

The software was developed as an EU Project (Development of software for validation of chromatographic methods, No. 3.2.1201.13-0020).

In 2017 to 2021 development is supported by Estonian Centre of Analytical Chemistry (AKKI) 2014-2020.4.01.16-0141. Starting 2021 AKKI is a core facility and funded by the Estonian Research Council (TT4).

Direct link to VaLChrom software.

Direct link to tutorial material.


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