During the ongoing project, the impacts of invasive species were presented at various events and publications in 2022:
1. A popular science programme on the potential uses of alien species: https://www.levila.ee/video/parnu-lahe-uut-mere-elanikku-soomas
2. Introducing invasive species effects:
Oral presentations at international conferences and meetings:
1. Kotta, J.; Ojaveer, H.; Fetissov, M.; Orav-Kotta, H.; Lees, L.; Kõivupuu, A.; Szava-Kovats, R. 2022. Integrating ecological impacts of non-indigenous species within a cumulative effect assessment framework. NEOBIOTA 2022, 12th International Conference on Biological Invasions, Biological Invasions in a Changing World, Tartu, Estonia, 12–16 September 2022.
2. Nõomaa, K.; Kotta, J.; Szava-Kovats, R.;: Herkül, K.; Eschbaum, R.; Vetemaa, M. 2022. Novel fish predator causes sustained changes in its prey populations. NEOBIOTA 2022, 12th International Conference on Biological Invasions, Biological Invasions in a Changing World, Tartu, Estonia, 12–16 September 2022
3. Beleem, IB; Kotta, J.; Barboza FR. 2022. Temperature modulates the community-wide effects of an invasive mud crab in a key baltic sea macroalgal-dominated habitat. NEOBIOTA 2022, 12th International Conference on Biological Invasions, Biological Invasions in a Changing World, Tartu, Estonia, 12–16 September 2022
4. Nõomaa, K. 2022. Round goby long-term impact on benthic communities. Presentaion at the Workshop on Stickleback and Round Goby in the Baltic Sea (WKSTARGATE). 22–25 august 2022
5. Nõomaa, K. 2022. Understanding marine invasions – from the lab to the sea. Ettekanne konverentsil “Eesti Mereteadus 2022”. 14. oktoober 2022