Impacts of invasive alien species and climate change on marine ecosystems in Estonia


Assessing the individual and cumulative impacts of alien species on the living and non-living environment and ecosystem services

A recently published high-level scientific work (Ojaveer, H.; Kotta, J.; Outinen, O.; Einberg, H.; Zaiko, A.; Lehtiniemi, M. 2021. Meta-analysis on the ecological impacts of widely spread non-indigenous species in the Baltic Sea. STOTEN, 786, 147375), which applies a quantitative assessment based on absolute values of the impacts. The work will be extended from the impacts of alien species on the food chain to other parameters (abiotic environment and ecosystem services). The project will provide the best current knowledge base on the effects of alien species and their interactions. It will also allow the definition of more invasive alien species. The project will establish a quantitative framework for assessing the impacts of invasive species.


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