Impacts of invasive alien species and climate change on marine ecosystems in Estonia


During the ongoing project, the impacts of invasive species were presented at various events and publications in 2022:

1.    A popular science programme on the potential uses of alien species:
2.    Introducing invasive species effects:

Oral presentations at international conferences and meetings:
1.    Kotta, J.; Ojaveer, H.; Fetissov, M.; Orav-Kotta, H.; Lees, L.; Kõivupuu, A.; Szava-Kovats, R. 2022. Integrating ecological impacts of non-indigenous species within a cumulative effect assessment framework. NEOBIOTA 2022, 12th International Conference on Biological Invasions, Biological Invasions in a Changing World, Tartu, Estonia, 12–16 September 2022. 
2.    Nõomaa, K.; Kotta, J.; Szava-Kovats, R.;: Herkül, K.; Eschbaum, R.; Vetemaa, M. 2022. Novel fish predator causes sustained changes in its prey populations. NEOBIOTA 2022, 12th International Conference on Biological Invasions, Biological Invasions in a Changing World, Tartu, Estonia, 12–16 September 2022
3.    Beleem, IB; Kotta, J.; Barboza FR. 2022. Temperature modulates the community-wide effects of an invasive mud crab in a key baltic sea macroalgal-dominated habitat. NEOBIOTA 2022, 12th International Conference on Biological Invasions, Biological Invasions in a Changing World, Tartu, Estonia, 12–16 September 2022
4.    Nõomaa, K. 2022. Round goby long-term impact on benthic communities. Presentaion at the Workshop on Stickleback and Round Goby in the Baltic Sea (WKSTARGATE). 22–25 august 2022
5.    Nõomaa, K. 2022. Understanding marine invasions – from the lab to the sea. Ettekanne konverentsil “Eesti Mereteadus 2022”. 14. oktoober 2022

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