Duration: 40 min
The aim of the exercise: to show students that patriotism manifests itself in a wide range of behaviours and that these behaviours can be perceived in various ways
Materials: pens, worksheet
Methods: individual work, analysis of audio-visual material, discussion
Values and feelings that can be placed within the scope of patriotism find their reflection in various behaviours. To a large extend, defining certain behaviours as patriotic or not depends on personal beliefs, worldview and system of values. Starting this exercise, ask students to classify examples of behaviours presented in the table (Worksheet) as patriotic or not. Secondly, invite them to watch two short films presented below and to write down examples of behaviours which are considered to be patriotic by the two speakers. Then, the students should evaluate whether in their opinion these behaviours are patriotic or not.
Film 1: Patriotism is love of country by Amitai Etzioni, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abiUBHlGHek
Film 2: How to be a patriot in an age of globalisation by Rupert Gather https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PuiCKKJdvI
In the third step, ask the students to discuss the results of the first and second stage of the exercise, supporting their point of view with reasonable arguments. You may use questions listed below in the course of discussion:
You may also extend this exercise and use mind maps from Exercise 1. In this case you can ask one more question: What values do these behaviours reflect?