Duration: 30 min.
Form: teamwork
Methods: film, discussion and group work, making posters
Teaching materials: paper and pens, flipchart and markers Instruction: In groups of several people, discuss and then answer the following questions (Worksheet 9.4)
Questions for discussion after viewing: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, The danger of a single story, TED, July 2009.
After the discussion: The teacher asks a representative of each group to share the conclusions of the discussion in the forum. While the students share their ideas, the teacher writes down the most important conclusions (keywords) on a flipchart.
Duration: 30 min.
Form: group work
Methods: discussion and group work Instruction: Worksheet 9.3
Duration: 15 min.
Form: group work
Methods: discussion and group work: Worksheet 9.2
Duration: 1h
Methods: discussion, teamwork
1. Analyse the following topics from the perspective of their implementation in a Polish school classroom (look at the core curriculum, reading list) with students with a migrant background – refugees, children with dark skin colour – Poles, Muslims – Poles, children from bicultural families (migrants from outside the EU).
2. Analyse the following topics from the point of view of their implementation in a Polish school in a culturally homogeneous classroom with only Polish students. Sensitive and controversial topics (When is a topic controversial? When is it sensitive? Write down a short answer.)
Fill in the worksheet 9.1