Exercise 1: Are only my beliefs/values the right one ones?

Task 1: Who am I?

Duration: 30 minutes

The goal of the task: to make students aware of the diversity in the group and the different backgrounds.

Instruction for the teacher:

  • Before starting the exercise, ask students which factors have been important in shaping their beliefs and values,
  • Prepare 16 post-its for each pupil (see worksheet_8.1.pdf). Each student should fill in the post-it cards using the template below. Then ask each person to choose only 3 cards,
  • Ask students to share their choices with their classmates,
  • Start a discussion on the diversity of our choices and its factors.


Task 2: Women’s veil in different regions of the world

Duration: 30 min

Teaching methods: brainstorming, individual work, film

The goals of this task are:

  • to introduce students to the diversity of the female veil, 
  • to make students sensitive to the diversity of the female veil.

Instruction for the teacher:

  • before beginning the activity, ask students what a woman’s veil is,
  • write down all the students’ ideas on the board,
  • watch the video “Why So Many Religions Have Headwear?”,
  • introduce the peer educators to the class (presentation of the topic),
  • ask students to write down the similarities and differences of the female veil in the world (see worksheet_8.2.pdf),
  • group the ideas and begin a discussion on the universality of the female veil.

Watch the film: Danielle Bainbridge, Why Do So Many Religions Have Headwear?, Origin of Everything (PBS Digital Studios), 20.11.2018

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