Quick judgement vs reasoning. How does morality work?


The module offers some explanations on how morality and moral choices work by building on the work of social psychologist Jonathan Haidt. He proved that morality is a result of quick judgement that is not necessarily linked to logical reasoning. Moreover, Haidt is known for his Moral Foundations Theory that provides an overview of the important categories of moral intuitions that explain not only intercultural, but also political differences between people. These two concepts provide an explanation on how our morality works, and how and why do we differ on fundamental issues, including sensitive or controversial topics. This will help students to understand why people differ on moral issues, and what are the origins of these differences.


  • to make the students learn how morality can be understood as a psychological concept
  • to make students aware how judgements about what is right and what is wrong are formed.
  • to sensitize students about other opinions and thus help them to understand why people might differ on different social or political issues.
  • to make students understand how political narratives work and how moral values are used in political agenda.

Target group: general education, social sciences

Keywords: morality, values, norms, conflict, politics

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