Methodological explanation

Patriotism is a challenging issue to discuss in a classroom as it is often defined in an intuitive way and evokes emotional reaction. Its values and other elements that make up its content are often recalled in public discourse – in a variety of contexts and aiming at achieving a diversity of goals. The module offers explanation of the notion of patriotism and presents it as a multi-faceted phenomenon that is quite often recalled in public discourse. The module begins with presentation of theoretical background of the topic which is followed by four exercises that relate to various forms of discourse that refer to patriotism and its content.



The goals of this module are:

  • to introduce and discuss significant questions concerning patriotism and patriotic values
  • to show that patriotism manifests itself in a wide range of behaviours that by different people are assessed in different ways
  • to show how the notion of patriotism is used by those who create public discourse
  • to support students’ critical thinking about issues related to patriotism that are present in the public discourse


Teaching methods

Exercises included in this module are based on various teaching methods that engage students in both individual and group work. Students learn more and faster when they participate and interact, therefore active learning methods and techniques – such as: creating a mind map, brainstorming, case study, analysis of audio-visual material, worksheets – are applied in the module. Owing it to sensitive nature of patriotism and challenging questions that may rise around it, discussion is an important part of the proposed exercises as it creates space for exchange of ideas.


Ethical approach

Before starting, explain the purpose of each exercise to let students know what they are up to do. If they have any doubts about it, try to answer their questions as accurately as you can. Be open to the needs of the students and do not judge their questions or opinions. Also, be aware that the students have different socio-cultural backgrounds which affects their way of thinking, acting and perceiving the world. Consequently, their perception of discussed issues varies and they may find patriotism – or its certain aspects – sensitive or controversial. The importance of discussion is that it creates space not only for exchange of views but also for mutual understanding. Therefore, it should be based on respectful dialogue and active listening. Allow every student to voice their opinion – the only rule they should follow is to do it in a polite and non-discriminative manner. Remember that views expressed by all the students are equally valuable and do not judge them. Keep an open attitude as the process of education is a two-way experience in which students and teacher cooperate – and which is beneficial for both the sides.