References, further reading

Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka and Jekatyerina Dunajeva (eds.) 2020. Re-thinking Roma resistance throughout history: Recounting stories of strength and bravery. Berlin: ERIAC. ISBN: 978-3-9822573

Bársony, János, and Ágnes Daróczi. 2008. Pharrajimos: The fate of the Roma during the Holocaust. New York: IDebate Press.

Bernáth, Gábor, ed. 2000. Porrajmos: Recollections of Roma Holocaust Survivers. Budapest: Roma Press Center Books.

Binder, M., and Dóra Pálos. 2016. “Romák a kerettantervekben és a kísérleti tankönyvekben (Roma in cirricula and experimental textbooks)”. Chance for Children Foundation. (in Hungarian only)

Grobbel, M. (2003). Contemporary Romany Autobiography as Performance. The German Quarterly, 76(2), 140-154. doi:10.2307/3252171

Lueg, Klarissa  and Marianne Wolff Lundholt (eds.) 2020. Routledge Handbook of Counter-Narratives. 1st Edition. Routledge

Margalit, G., & Matras, Y. 2007. Gypsies in Germany—German Gypsies? Identity and Politics of Sinti and Roma in Germany. In The Roma: a Minority in Europe: Historical, Political and Social Perspectives. Central European University Press.

Miles, James. 2019. Historical silences and the enduring power of counter storytelling, Curriculum Inquiry, 49:3, 253-259.

Moussa, Mario, and Ron Scapp. 1996. “The Practical Theorizing of Michel Foucault: Politics and Counter-Discourse.” Cultural Critique Spring (33): 87-112.

Solórzano, D. G., Yosso T.J. Critical Race Methodology: Counter-Storytelling as an Analytical Framework for Education Research. Qualitative Inquiry. 2002;8(1):23-44.

Wisely, A. (2019). War against “Internal Enemies”: Dr. Franz Lucas’s Sterilization of Sinti and Roma in Ravensbrück Men’s Camp in January 1945. Central European History, 52(4), 650-671.