Exercise 4: How to integrate? Policy responses


40 min

The goals of this exercise

  • to make students learn about different migrant integration strategies implemented in Western Europe,
  • to show students the advantages and the disadvantages of these strategies.

Instruction for teacher

Divide students into 3-4 groups (max. 8 persons per group). Inform them about the time for discussion. Ask students to read excerpts from articles about integration strategies:

Each group should work on one country (France, Germany, and the UK). Ask students to analyse the integration strategy of each state towards Muslims and answer following questions:

  1. What is the profile of Muslim citizens of the country?
  2. What was the integration strategy implemented by the country to integrate Muslims?
  3. What was good in this strategy?
  4. What was wrong in this strategy?
  5. What change would you advise to the government?

Methodical explanation

The diversity of the module and the diversity of participants, resulting from worldviews and value systems, makes each repetition of the activity different. Therefore, each one requires a different approach and use of more or less active methods. Remember that in this module, participants will have the opportunity to confront and express their views. However, I suggest that you refrain from judging: allow the participants to have a space to express themselves and an opportunity to name their emotions