
July, 2024
Ruanda expedition ….
May, 2024
Dr. Ramita Khanongnuch (ORCID: 0000-0001-7679-5928) has joined the project as postdoc. She gave the presentation “New bacterial processes in CH4 emissions mitigation in boreal lake ecosystems” during seminar of Geography Department.
April, 2024
Prof. Ülo Mander was elected as a member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences in the field of global change on 4th of April 2024. Congratulations!!!

The project team field trip(s) continued to potential new study sites in temperate ecosystems:  Paluoja, Sirvaste (arable peatland), Kärdla (floodplain fen meadow) and Kooraste. Field sites have been selected to represent hot spots of N2O emission in peatlands paired with their less-disturbed control variants.
PhD student Laura Kuusemets gave an oral presentation during session BG3.23: Soil-biological and soil-physical interaction: Microbial processes and communities underlying greenhouse gas emissions from terrestrial ecosystems (convener Dr. Mikk Espenberg) on the EGU24 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 14-19.04.2024. Three posters on 1/ hot spots and hot moments of N20, 2/ Microbial nitrogen cycle in sub-tropical peatland and 3/dinamics Microbial Communities and GHG fluxes in flooded peatlands were also presented by team members.
March, 2024
PeatlandN2O expedition to the Republic of Congo took place 04.03 – 15.03.2024 as part of establishing the project network of field sites. During field works, the measurements of greenhouse gas flows, isotope and biomass decomposition experiments, and collection of soil and plant samples were done in the Epena tropical forest swamp.
Project members had fruitful collaboration and received the support of researchers from Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville. The project overview was presented to local scientists and university lecturers at the seminar, and a fruitful discussion followed the presentation. 
During fieldwork, the PeatlandN2O members enjoyed the hospitality of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Congo, whose station is located in Epena Nouabale-Ndoki National Park and Lac Télé Community Reserve. 
January, 2024
Three oral presentations on the ideas and insights of the PeatlandN2O were given by Ülo Mander, Kaido Soosaar and Mikk Espenberg at the Biogeomon2024 conference in Puerto Rico, San Juan, University of New Hampshire, NH, USA, in January 2024.
December, 2023

Prof. Ülo Mander made two poster presentations at the AGU23 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, USA on 11-15.12.2023.
In the picture, Dr. Kuno Kasak (Tartu University, left) and  Prof. Ülo Mander meeting with the member of the PeatlandN2O Extended Knowledge Board, Prof. Lulie Melling from Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute (Malaysia)  and her colleague on the fields of the conference.
ValgeThe presentation on PeatlandN2O project was held in Tartu University Museum’s White Hall (on Dome Hill) on Thursday, 7th December 2023, 13:00 – 17:00
September 2023. We started the project and we have our logo ready.logo1