Related Projects
Russian National Identity in a Comparative Context: Towards an Intersubjective Identity Database
01/01/2016–31/12/2019 PUT1138
The aim of the project was to create a cumulative long-term interpretivist dataset on Russian national identity and to use this data in comparative research at the juncture of constructivist and quantitative approaches. It is part of a larger project “Making Identity Count”, whose scope includes all major great powers. Creation of the dataset implies empirical reconstruction of the central categories of national identity for a number of years, starting with the period of 1950-2010 and eventually extending the time frame back to 1810. The project produced a series of National Identity Reports, an Intersubjective National Identities Dataset and the Intersubjective Database Coding Book. The theoretical ambition behind the project was to combine interpretivist sensitivity to intersubjective reality with a commitment to reliable and replicable generalizations and to make a decisive step toward bridging the gap between quantitative and interpretivist research in International Relations.
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Limits and opportunities of civic activism in contemporary Russia
01/06/2023–14/06/2024 SSVJS23367
The research project focuses on the outlook of civil society institutions and practices in contemporary Russia. It will give both a general overview of the functioning of civil society in Russia, as well as conduct case studies into specific domains both in Russia as well as among the Russian diaspora abroad. The results will help understand the role of civil society in repressive regimes as well as the limits and opportunities of civic activism.
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