
Systematic and science-based education helps understand and mitigate the impact of the climate crisis. It empowers people with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to be active agents of change and reduce the adverse effects of climate change. This project aims to develop strategies to enable students in the Estonian education system to become climate-smart individuals. To this end, the project will analyse and measure the students’ current knowledge, skills and attitudes towards understanding, mitigating and adapting to climate change. Also, the existing teaching and learning materials and strategies are analysed. The focus is on training teachers of all levels and all subjects in subject-specific and generic skills to enhance their climate awareness. The teachers are also involved in developing new learning materials and trained to ensure they will transfer the knowledge generated in the project to the classroom.

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Project activities:

  • working out strategies for teaching climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • creating learning materials on climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • supporting the introduction of the compiled materials in at least thirty educational institutions
  • developing training materials and conducting continuing education courses
  • creating climate awareness assessment tools

The project is led by the University of Tartu Institute of Physics, with the involvement of Tallinn University and Seemik research group, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Narva College, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, Tartu Observatory, the School of Teacher Education, and the Centre for Science Education of the University of Tartu, the Museum of the University of Bergen, Norway, and many external experts.

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