Islam: Religion, Culture and Changing Societies

Add the missing words

Recall the information you learned in the videos and fill in the gaps. There are different claims about the three Islamic branches presented in the videos.


The Ibadi philosophy is largely based on religious… and conflict prevention. (tolerance)

The names and attributes of Allah must be understood…. not literally e.g. God sits on the throne. (allegorically)

Ibadis understand that the Qur’an is …. so it is not a heavenly immutable book. (created)

The roots of the Ibadis date back to the 7th century, to educational jurists who were guided by the principle that the leader of the Islamic community must be elected most …. candidate. (moral)

…. national identity is linked to Ibadis identity. (Oman)


The Alevis, who are the most religious …. among Muslims in Turkey, have received little attention in the Estonian scientific literature. (representatives of the minority).

The most important saint of the Alevis, …… was born in modern-day Iran, Horasan, and arrived in Anatolia, probably as a result of Mongol conquest. (Haci Bektaş Veli).

The term dede stands for grandfather in Turkey. He is descended from the bloodline of the Prophet Muhammad or the saints of Anatolia and he is  the …. of the Alevis. (spiritual leader)

Alevis do not accumulate …. in mosques only in cemevi, in assembly houses. (for prayer)


Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at is an international …. in Islam. (awakening movement)

The Ahmadiyyas claim that Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad was appointed by Allah in the 19th-20th centuries … in Islamic religion. (as an innovator)

 In 1974, in Pakistan, Ahmadiyya participants were removed from the civil service, and international Muslim organizations began to pass resolutions against Ahmadiyya and were banned from …. refusing to sign the doctrine of “finality of prophecy.” (pilgrimage to Mecca)

According to the teachings of the Ahmadiyyas, the Muslim tradition refers to the “second coming” of Jesus, which they think does not mean Jesus himself, but a person like him, who is …. (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad)

The dispute between Ahmadiyyas and Sunnis stems in principle from different approaches to religious …. question. (authority)