GENIRE: Generations and inter-generational relationships in the emerging information society

Generations’ media-related perceptions, experiences and attitudes

Publications in this chapter seek answers to the following research questions:

What kind of knowledge, conceptions, beliefs and attitudes do children, parents and teachers have with regard to media-related opportunities and risks for children? What kind of possible media influences on children do parents and teachers perceive? What kind of attitudes do children, parents and teachers have with regard to parental mediation and media education? How do parents and teachers perceive each other’s role in media education?

Kalmus, V. (2013). Children’s safety in the new media environment. Heidmets, M. (Ed.). Estonian Human Development Report 2012/2013: Estonia in the World (92-94). Tallinn: Estonian Cooperation Assembly.

Kalmus, V.; Ólafsson, K. (2013). Editorial: A child-centred perspective on risks and opportunities in cyberspace. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 7(1).

Livingstone, S.; Kalmus, V.; Talves, K. (2014). Girls’ and boys’ experiences of online risk and safety. Carter, C.; Steiner, L.; McLaughlin, L. (Eds.). The Routledge Companion to Media and Gender (190­-200). London: Routledge.

Murumaa-Mengel, M. (2015). Drawing the threat: A study on perceptions of the online pervert among Estonian high-school students. Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 23(1), 1-18.

Siibak, A.; Vinter, K. (2014). “No silly girls’ films!” Analysis of Estonian preschool children’s gender specific tastes in media, and possible implications for preschool learning. International Journal of Early Childhood, 46(3), 357-­372.

Siibak, A.; Vinter, K. (2014). „Ma tahaks olla Pommimees!“ – lasteaialaste meedialemmikute analüüs ja nende võimalik kasutamine väärtuskasvatuses ja sootundlikus hariduses (“I’d like to be Bomberman”: Analysis of preschool children’s media favourites and their potential use in value education and gender-sensitive education). Ariadne Lõng: nais- ja meesuuringute ajakiri, 1/2, 85-100.

Vinter, K.; Kruuse, K. (2013). Television and education. Ainsworth, J. (Eds.). Sociology of Education: An A-to-Z Guide (788-790). Sage Publications Ltd.

Vinter, K.; Siibak, A. (2012). The role of parents in guiding pre­school children’s use of computers and the internet: Analyzing perceptions of Estonian children and parents. Mikk, J.; Luik, P.; Veisson, M. (Eds.). Lifelong Learning and Teacher Development (78-94).Peter Lang Publishers House.

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