Final programme TBA.
Each day consists of three 1.5 hour lectures starting at 9:00 and one invited talk in the afternoon. There will be coffee breaks following each lesson and a lunch before the third lecture at 12:30. Lectures end at 17:00 after which there is time for social activities, doing exercise in the surrounding area or visiting Haapsalu town.
Day 1: Theory of the cosmic web
Lecture 1: Rien van de Weygaert
Lecture 2: Rien van de Weygaert
Lecture 3: Job Feldbrugge
Invited talk: TBD
Day 2: Simulated cosmic web
Lecture 1: Noam Libeskind
Lecture 2: Noam Libeskind
Lecture 3: Daniela Galarraga-Espinosa
Lecture 4: Daniela Galarraga-Espinosa
Day 3: Observed cosmic web
Lecture 1: Elmo Tempel: cosmic web in redshift surveys
Lecture 2: Elmo Tempel: cosmic web characterisation in redshift surveys
Lecture 3: Punyakoti Ganeshaiah Veena: neural network reconstructions of the cosmic web
Excursion: guided tour to the Haapsalu Castle
Day 4: Cosmic web and galaxies
Lecture 1: Peeter Tenjes
Lecture 2: Edward N. Taylor
Lecture 3: Edward N. Taylor
Invited talk: Jaan Einasto: history of the cosmic web
Day 5: Mathematical modelling of the cosmic web
Lecture 1: Radu Stoica
Lecture 2: Radu Stoica
Lecture 3: Didier Gemmerle
Practical session: Nathan Gillot
For any questions regarding the summer school, please contact us at