
EXCOSM is a new Horizon Europe Twinning project beginning in Tartu Observatory on the 1st of October. The project partners the University of Tartu with the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam in Germany, the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, and the University of Lorraine in France. 

Combined with new analytical frameworks, astronomical surveys and simulation data enable statistical inference to address unsolved questions about the formation and evolution of galaxies. The environment of galaxies significantly influences star formation, mass assembly, and orientation within cosmic web filaments. Success in these studies requires expertise in observations, cosmological simulations, cosmic web theory, and applied mathematics. In this context, the EXCOSM project aims to enhance the University of Tartu’s research capacity in hydrodynamical simulations, cosmic web theory, and spatial analysis. Tartu Observatory will develop, in collaboration with partners, an improved cosmic web modelling method. This collaboration will strengthen partnerships, raise the international visibility of the University of Tartu, and contribute to the understanding of cosmic web studies and galaxy evolution. 

Work Packages (WP-s): EXCOSM will be implemented across 5 Work Packages.

  • WP1 (led by UTARTU): project management. WP1 focuses on project coordination and administration to ensure smooth running of the project and timely delivery of results, allowing UTARTU to practice its improved project management skills.
  • WP2 (led by AIP): knowledge transfer in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations and cosmic web theory. WP2 is dedicated to filling UTARTU knowledge gaps in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, cosmic web theory, and applied mathematics via workshops, UTARTU staff visits to the advanced partners and regular online consultations with experts.
  • WP3 (led by UTARTU and UL): the pilot research project Characterizing the cosmic web environment and connectivity carried out in WP3, will allow UTARTU to apply newly developed skills and gain experience in leading a research project, while demonstrating successful and mutually beneficial cooperation between project partners.
  • WP4 (led by RUG): improving UTARTU research management, enhancing networking and sustainability of the partnership. The implementation of the project will be supported by the improved UTARTU management skills developed in WP4. In this WP, we will also focus on enhancing UTARTU proposal preparation skills, networking between partners and long-term sustainability of the partnerships and UTARTU will lead preparation of funding proposals based on the
    ideas generated in WP2 and WP3. Lastly, in WP4 partners will exchange their approaches to promoting gender equality and inclusive working environments.
  • WP5 (led by UTARTU): dissemination and communication. WP5 will focus on a wide range of activities to disseminate our results to target audiences, communicate with the public and promote UTARTU internationally.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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