Well-being Machines in Your Pocket – EstWell Opening Conference

TalTech Akadeemia tee 3-SOC309, Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia

Today, technology and information systems serve as essential artificial collaborators in collecting and managing human data. At the conference, we will present insights from the Centre of Excellence's researchers on studying various aspects of well-being and ways to support it. ...

EstWell seminar
Associate Professor Vladimir Tomberg: Implementing health behaviour change with digital health interventions

Tallinna Ülikoolis Mare maja, Uus Sadama 5- M136

Digial health interventions encompass a wide range of technological solutions, from mobile applications and wearable devices to online platforms and virtual coaching programs. Through the collection and analysis of user data, these interventions can identify patterns, track progress, and offer ...

EstWell seminar
Professor Katrin Tiidenberg: Participatory cultures of mental health on social media – belonging, support and attention

University of Tallinn Mare maja, Uus Sadama 5-M131, Estonia

Mental health discourse is increasingly pervasive on social media. There are content creators who focus entirely on the topic (e.g. stress, anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism, OCD), but speaking about personal struggles with mental health is also common among creators whose ...

EstWell seminar
Associate Professor Kadri Leetmaa: How rural elderly learn about digital world – methodological reflections from a recent learning experiment with elderly population in Estonia rural localities

University of Tartu Näituse 2-113, Tartu, Estonia

The seminar will be conducted by Associate Professor of Human Geography at the University of Tartu, Kadri Leetmaa, and Lecturer in Cognitive and School Psychology, Triin Liin. Digital transformation has fundamentally changed the way how society functions. Digital life is ...

EstWell seminar
Professor Peeter Ross: Patient Generated Health Data

TalTech Akadeemia tee 3-SOC309, Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia

Healthcare data has traditionally been collected and stored by medical professionals. Decisions concerning a person's health are made based on this data. In the digital age, health data are stored in various healthcare institutions' databases. In Estonia, for example, the ...

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