The 8th European Ostracodologists’ Meeting


Proposals for sessions/workshops

Please contact the organizers ( about possible thematic sessions or workshops as soon as possible.

March 31, 2015         Extended deadline for registration, abstracts, and payments

July 21, 2015              Arrival in Tallinn (for pre-conference excursion)

July 22-23, 2015        Pre-conference excursion (Recent and subfossil Ostracoda, starting in Tallinn and ending in Tartu)

July 23, 2015              Registration and Ice Breaker in Tartu

July 24-27, 2015        Scientific sessions in Tartu and the mid-conference excursion

July 28-30, 2015        Post-conference excursion (the Ordovician and Silurian of the mainland Estonia and Saaremaa Island, ending in Tallinn) 

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