EnVision consortium develops a Virtual Exchange Guide for educators

EnVision is pleased to announce the release of the Virtual Exchange (VE) Toolkit, a practical guide aimed at helping higher education institutions integrate Virtual Exchange into their teaching practices. Developed as part of the Nordplus project “Building Virtual Exchange Capacities in the Baltic Sea Region (EnVision),” the toolkit contributes to enhancing digital and international teaching methods in the Nordic-Baltic region.
Virtual Exchange (VE) has gained momentum in recent years as a transformative approach in higher education. VE offers students the opportunity to engage in structured, cross-cultural interactions with peers from different countries, guided by educators or facilitators, as part of their curriculum. These programs enhance internationalization at home and develop learners’ intercultural competencies, while also offering flexible, scalable solutions for collaboration in diverse academic fields.
The EnVision project, a Nordplus-funded initiative, unites leading universities committed to educational innovation: the University of Tartu, Vilnius University, Uppsala University, and the University of Helsinki. Focused on the field of social sciences, the project aims to raise awareness about the potential of VE, train teaching staff, and develop practical resources to make VE integration accessible and effective.
The newly launched VE Toolkit serves as a practical resource for educators, administrators, and institutional leaders seeking to implement VE in their teaching practices. It provides clear guidelines, methodological frameworks, practical case studies, and templates for creating VE scenarios. Additionally, it includes examples of VE projects developed by the partner universities, offering insights into best practices in social science education.
Available in English, as well as in Estonian, Lithuanian, Finnish, and Swedish, the toolkit ensures accessibility to a broad audience. It is particularly aimed at academic staff and administrators who are looking to enhance internationalization within their institutions and provide innovative, collaborative learning experiences for students.
“Virtual Exchange has the power to revolutionize teaching by fostering intercultural understanding and collaboration,” said Anna Beitane, the main coordinator of the EnVision project. “With the VE Toolkit, we hope to inspire educators across the Nordic-Baltic region and beyond to embrace this method and integrate it into their curricula effectively.”
The VE Toolkit is now available for download on the consrotium website of EnVision. Explore this essential resource and take the next step toward transforming teaching and learning in the digital era.
For additional questions, please contact Anna Beitane at anna.beitane@ut.ee
The toolkit was developed as part of the Nordplus-funded project “Building Virtual Exchange Capacities in the Baltic Sea Region (NPHE-2023/10034).”