EnVision network supports student mobility to the intensive course the University of Helsinki

EnVision network supported student mobilities to the intensive course offered by the University of Helsinki, between January 22-26.


Students from the EnVision network were offered grants to participate in the one week intensive course, entitled ““Ethnic and Gender Identities of the Caucasus Region and Ukraine” (5 ECTS).  The course approached ethnic identities in Ukraine in post-Soviet times through the lenses of art. The gender identities in Caucasus region are perceived from the point of view of family, religion and social policy. Also the Caucasus region conflict, ethnicity, nationalism and religion was discussed.


Upon completion of the course, students can understand different ways of constructing ethnic and gender identities in the Caucasus region and Ukraine, recognize historical, political, cultural, and social factors impacting the identities in the region, and identify the impact of geopolitics and conflicts to the identities in the Caucasus region and Ukraine. The course was conducted by visiting teachers from the Tbilisi State University and University of Bologna.


You can find more info at the course page.


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