Advisory Board

Jennifer Keating is an Associate Professor in the School of History at University College Dublin. Her research focuses on the environmental history of the Russian empire, with a particular focus on Central and Inner Asia in the nineteenth and twentieth century. She is currently PI of the ERC-funded project ‘Land Limits: Towards a connected history of population, environment, capital and conflict in Russian Eurasia, 1860s-1920s’. 


Jo Laycock is Senior Lecturer in Migration History at Manchester University. Her research interests are displacement and its consequences; from humanitarianism, emergency relief and resettlement to collective memory and the challenges of refugee ‘homecomings’. Jo is the author of Imagining Armenia (MUP, 2009) and editor, with Francesca Piana, of Aid to Armenia: Humanitarianism and Intervention. She is currently completing a monograph, Unsettled States: Refugees, Relief and Development in Armenia. She is also editor of Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational History, co-editor for the MUP Cultural History of War series, and co-convenes the BASEES Eurasian Regions Study Group.


Susan Grunewald is an Assistant Professor of History at Louisiana State University. Her research focuses on German prisoners of war in the Soviet Union during and after WWII, and she is author of From Incarceration to Repatriation: German Prisoners of War in the Soviet Union (Cornell University Press, 2024). She is an expert in digital humanities techniques, especially GIS mapping.



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