Search results


The search results page consists of three columns. The ones on the side can be hidden or made to reappear by the arrows next to them. On the left you can see your current search and the expanders and limiters used. You can delete them by clicking on the x next to them. In this column you can also add new limiters.

In the middle you will see your search results, number of which is portrayed above the results list. They can be listed by relevance or publishing date. If the results are listed by relevance, their incidence rate and location in the documents are taken into account. The priorities are following:

1) search words coincide with the subject terms;
2) search words are found in the title;
3) search words coincide with the keywords given by the author;
4) search words are found in the abstract;
5) search words appear in the full text.

For results with the same relevancy the order might also be affected by the publishing date, number of pages, etc.

In the list you will see short records of the results, which include links to accessible full texts and, if the article has them, pictures. From Page Options you can choose how much information you want to see when the results are still listed. If you hold the mouse on the Preview icon right of the title, you can see the short record together with the beginning of the abstract. 



By clicking on the title of the result, you will see its detailed record. From the detailed record you will find the names of the authors, information about the source, subject terms and/or keywords supplied by the author (although not all records have them), etc. By clicking on the linked elements in the record you can conduct a new search, for example see other works of the authors. On the right you can see different ways for saving and forwarding the record – these will be discussed in the last chapter of this material. 


Subject terms and keywords are useful to look at – you can conduct a new search by clicking on them or you can combine them for an extended search. Pay in mind, though, that EBSCO Discovery searches from different databasest that may use different subject terms for the same topic. You can make sure to have an inclusive search by using synonymous subject terms and connecting them with the operator OR.