Development of Digital Competence in Pre-School Education

Module 2: Digitalization of Kindergartens and Digital Resources for Kindergartens

Welcome to Module 2!


Digital transformation has successfully entered the education system, and kindergarten is no exception. Educational technologies offer a rich number of screen-based and non-screen-based tools to develop computational, logical, and critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. At the same time, we are unaware of all the potential consequences of early use of digital technologies, so we should be cautious, supportive, and offer guidance. One thing is sure – digital competence is not inherent to the younger generation born in the digital era. It seems to us that they have inborn intuition to understand the technology better, which is not supported by any research. Like adults, they have learned to control, manipulate, and cope with technology as well as its ups and downs. This is the adults’ task to help them learn to become competent, educated, successful personalities. The best thing is probably to start early and consciously in kindergarten with special supportive tools and qualified teachers. Still, this task is not as easy as it sounds and demands commitment from the state, kindergarten administration, teachers, and even parents of preschool children. 
In Module 2, we invite you to:
– reflect on your own experiences related to using digital technologies for learning and teaching.
– become more aware of the EU policies and global trends that stimulate the introduction of digital technologies in kindergartens.  
– think about the use of educational technologies in your county and compare this progress with other countries in Europe as well as the pace of digitalization of your kindergartens. 
– read several success stories that will tell you how the kindergartens made success/progress in this area.
– learn about the variety of age-appropriate tools, applications, and robots used in kindergartens.
– improve your digital competence, create learning materials for your children, use them in the classroom, and reflect on their use. 

