
President decorated dr Carri Ginter

Among other people President Alar Karis decorated lawyer and long-time lecturer at the University of Tartu Dr Carri Ginter with The Order of the White Star. The White Star medal is awarded to persons in state service or local government service, as well as in recognition of services and achievements rendered in the fields of economy, education, science, culture or sports or other public benefits.
Also, from other legal scholars Ülle Madise, Janar Holm, Tambet Tampuu and Katre Poljakova were decorated.

Read the full news here: https://news.err.ee/1609245681/president-to-decorate-151-people-this-year
Full list (in Estonian): https://www.err.ee/1609245516/president-tunnustab-tanavu-teenetemargiga-151-inimest