The corner stone of the project is engaging young talent, including students and recent graduates, to promote comprehensive understanding of EU law and creating the network of EU professionals.
In order to achieve this goal, we aim to:
– hold visiting lectures at high-schools on topical EU law issues that have an impact on our daily life;
– teach a module on EU law in the general online law course targeted at high-school students and other non-lawyers;
– engage local and national policy-makers by participating in expert groups;
– engage young professionals in the field to coaching students who participate in the ELMC competition;
– build an improved network of EU law professionals, students and researchers throughout all project activities.
Activities that have already taken place as part of UproEU:
– 3 October 2019: Presentation on the compliance of public procurement and unfair terms regulation for consumer contracts by Carri Ginter and Mari Kelve-Liivsoo at the alumni conference organized in celebration of 100 years of Estonian Law School at the University of Tartu;
– 6 January 2020: A seminar “The landmark judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union in 2019” was organised by the community of European Law (Euroopa õiguse ühendus) in cooperation with the School of Law of the University of Tartu. Carri Ginter participated in the event as one of the lecturers.
04.06.2024 Carri Ginter discussed the Tax and Customs Board idea to get information about the amounts of money that pass through bank accounts
Listen here (in Estonian)
21.10.2024 Carri Ginter on Estonia’s Commitment to Freedom Listen and read here (in Estonian)
28.11.2023 Carri Ginter talked on a radio show Sihik about reforming the function of the EU
Listen here (in Estonian)
02.11.2023 Carri Ginter talked on a radio show Reporteritund about hate speech act
Listen here (in Estonian)
14.05.2024 Carri Ginter talked in TV show Välisilm about sanctions Watch here (in Estonian)
15.02.2024 Carri Ginter talked in TV show Ringvaade about interfering the work of the parliament by members and consequences
Watch here (in Estonian)
29.05.2024 Carri Ginter gave an online lecture on Digital Privacy in Estonian Academy of Security Sciences
18.04.2024 Carri Ginter preformed on a public e-presentation event “Current topics and legal issues in the practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union in 2023 – what developments have taken place in European Union law during the 20 years of Estonia’s membership?” of the European Law Association of the Estonian Lawyers’ Association Event info
17.04.2024 Carri Ginter talked to high school students about why to study law FaceBook event
07.03.2024 Carri Ginter gave a lecture at Tallinna Kesklinna Põhikool
14.02.2024 Carri Ginter participated on a data protection seminar “E-state – guardian of privacy or a threat factor?” held by Faculty of Law of the University of Tartu Event info
25.01.2024 Carri Ginter and Piret Schasmin visited Paide Gümnaasium
29.11.2023 Carri Ginter gave a lecture and participated in a discussion about hate speech in Estonian Students Society Watch it here
Dr Carri Ginter: why the European Court of Justice fines member states?