
Dr Carri Ginter spoke about why to study law to high school students

Original post in Facebook (in Estonian): https://www.facebook.com/carri.ginter/posts/pfbid0v65prUQz6N6ktdL87V6rVr4xHvoWd6x1jxfCucgKxe928GjeaLuXHHLYAxc8JwJel

English translation:

Did you know that the Faculty of Law at the University of Tartu teaches students in both Tartu and Tallinn with the same volume and quality?
You can also combine studies in Tallinn with studies in Tartu and vice versa. The same lecturers teach at both locations.

Today, we talked to high school students at the Faculty of Law at the University of Tartu about why choosing a legal education as the next step is a good idea.

Some thoughts:
– A bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Law will be helpful in life regardless. You will learn how the state, human relationships, society, domestic and international levels function, and much more. – The profession of a lawyer is diverse and challenging. As renowned professors have said, the bread may be thin, but it is very long.
– There are professions that require decades of discipline and high pace, and those that require the same but give you many opportunities to shape your calendar.
– Having been in the legal market since 2000, I can confirm that as an employer, there is no noticeable difference in quality depending on whether you studied physically in Tallinn or Tartu, in session or day studies. It all depends on your own effort and, of course, talent.
In the eleventh grade, you can take the course “Foundations of Law for Non-Lawyers,” where you can get a better picture. It was interesting for me as well.

Thank you to the team and send your super smart successor to the Faculty of Law!