
Dr Carri Ginter and attorney Mario Sõrm participated in Nordic Public Procurement Forum in Copenhagen

On the 23rd and 24th of November 2022, Dr Carri Ginter and attorney Mario Sõrm participated in the prestigious Nordic Public Procurement Forum in Copenhagen with a presentation on in-house transactions. The presentation focused on the development of the in-house transactions instrument, its links with the decision-making powers of the Member States and practical issues that have arisen in using the in-house transaction.

This year’s conference included four intensive days of workshops and presentations. On the first day, workshops were held on framework agreements and tender evaluation. The second and third days were devoted to presentations on international contracts and the relationship between competition law and public procurement law to public procurement oversight and green procurement. It was good to see that, although public procurement law in the Member States should also be very similar, at least within the EU legal area, the legal landscape is diverse and different from country to country, allowing much to be learned from the experiences of others.

The speakers have researched EU public procurement law and the law of in-house transactions over the years, including in the framework of the Jean Monnet #UProEU project. In Denmark, the presentation cooperated with a research project led by Associate Professor Dr Mari Ann Simovart and funded by the Estonian Research Council (PRG 1449).