
Carri Ginter and Piret Schasmin visited Paide Gümnaasium

On January 25, 2024, Carri Ginter and Piret Schasmin visited Paide Gümnaasium (Paide High School) as part of the Lecture Thursday and Jean Monnet project, giving a lecture on the topic “Your mobile phone and privacy.” We discussed why privacy is important to people, the possible threats, and their consequences. The students actively participated in discussions and asked very clever questions. It was a pleasure to note that privacy remains important to young people as well. After the lecture, we had an opportunity to give a short interview on privacy-related topics to Paide Gümnaasium’s school radio.

25.01.2024 Carri Ginter ja Piret Schasmin käisid Paide Gümnaasiumis Loenguneljapäeva ning Jean Monnet´ projekti raames andmas loengut teemal “Sinu mobiiltelefon ja privaatsus”. Rääkisime sellest, miks on privaatsus üldse inimestele oluline, millised on võimalikud ohud ning selle tagajärjed. Õpilased osalesid aktiivselt aruteludes ning küsisid väga nutikaid küsimusi. Rõõm oli tõdeda, et ka noortele on nende privaatsus endiselt oluline. Pärast loengut oli võimalus anda lühike intervjuu privaatsusõiguse teemadel ka Paide Gümnaasiumi kooliraadiole.

Paide High School’s Facebook news about the visit

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