
Call for abstracts

We invite contributions that address issues in syntax, or at the interfaces of syntax and semantics/pragmatics, as well as prosody, in one or several Uralic languages (and their contact languages). In particular, we encourage submissions addressing:

• the structure of nominal phrases (e.g. possession, determination, reference)

• the syntactic marking of information structure and discourse relations

• the syntactic marking of illocutionary force

• subordination (e.g. complementation, finite and non-finite structures)

• predication (e.g. copular constructions, secondary predicates)

• word order

• the syntax of particles

• reported speech constructions

This list is not exhaustive: we also welcome papers concerned with any other topic in Uralic syntax.

Anonymous abstracts cannot exceed two pages (including examples, figures, and references), using 1in/2.5cm margins and a standard 12pt font.

One person may submit a maximum of two abstracts: one as a sole author or co-author, and another one as a co-author.

Abstract should be submitted in .pdf format via EasyChair

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 February 2019

Anonymous abstracts cannot exceed two pages (including examples, figures, and references), using 1in/2.5cm margins and a standard 12pt font.
One person may submit a maximum of two abstracts: one as a sole author or co-author, and another one as a co-author.
Abstract should be submitted in .pdf format via EasyChair:
Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 February 2019

To submit an abstract, please follow these steps:
1. To begin, log in at: …
2. If you do not have an existing EasyChair account, click on ”sign up for an account.” You will be asked to fill out a simple form to create an account.
3. Click ”New Submission” at the top of the page.
4. Enter author information in the provided fields. Tick the ”Corresponding Author” box for all authors who wish to receive email correspondences or notifications; enter your title in the ”Title” field.
5. In the ”Abstract” field, please enter any character, e.g., ‘x’ (the EasyChair system requires this field not to be left empty). Do not paste your full abstract into this field.
6. Enter at least three keywords.
7. Upload your abstract in the ”Paper” of the “Other Information and Uploads” field. Only .pdf files will be accepted. Do not include your name or affiliation in the abstract/file name!
8. Click ”Submit.” You will be taken to a summary page of your submission – this is your confirmation that it has been saved. Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously.
9. You may make any necessary updates until the deadline by logging in and clicking on ”My Submissions.”