Third transnational project meeting in “Warsaw” (June 2021)

III transnational project meeting

Third transnational project meeting in “Warsaw”

Our third transnational project meeting took place on the 3rd and 4th of June. Instead of Warsaw, we met via Zoom from our home offices in Hungary, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, and Estonia. The main discussion points were related to the overall development of the project. We thoroughly discussed the state of play with intellectual outputs – each team presented their current work and gave an overview of the next steps. Although we cannot share the results with you yet, we were amazed to see how the ideas, documents, spreadsheets, and comments we have worked on for more than a year, are turning into e-courses, videos, slideshows, and e-modules.

Due to the pandemic, we cannot meet face-to-face. Fortunately, we can allocate the traveling funds to other activities. The discussion about what exactly to do and the traveling money is something we have had for some months in these uncertain times. Conversations on the budget, rules, and restrictions take a lot of time and energy. This meeting was no different.


On the 4th of June, we started the day by discussing an event we are organizing. According to the preliminary plan, we would meet with teachers and students of pedagogy in Hradec Kralove, but our Planet had some other ideas. We are not there yet to shout out “save the dates,” but we promise that the event will be interesting, schedule flexible. Interested teachers and students of pedagogy have time to test our materials and feedback them. We are excited. We hope that you as well! 🙂

The last point in the agenda was how we measure our impact. Thanks to the Estonian Education and Youth Board, our project manager, Heidi, met with Jaan Aps, a well-known Estonian impact assessment specialist. He gave some good ideas that were discussed with the whole team during the meeting. The result of exchanging ideas is that we will create a way to ask for feedback during the meetings we organise for teachers, educators, students of pedagogy, and other participants and start categorizing institutions and individuals who might start using our materials. Sending information about the materials to suitable counterparts was already among the planned activities. The discussion with Jaan Aps and the team helped us see the need and create a way to measure our reach better.

Overall, it has been an interesting yet challenging year. We are happy with the development we have had, although we have needed to make many adjustments, and some of them are still ahead. A well-deserved summer holiday is ahead to get inspiration and energy for finalizing the project!