Other events

LACE Winter School 2020: “Narrative Values, the Value of Narratives”

Organised in the beautiful city of Groningen, in Northern Netherlands, this international, interdisciplinary Winter School is devoted to the study of narrative in film, literature, art and journalism. Lecturers and speakers form an impressive line-up of leading narratologists (including Marina Grishakova, Hanna Meretoja, Liesbeth Korthals Altes, Stefan Iversen, Marco Caracciolo, Luc Herman, Bart Vervaeck and Jan Baetens) and we welcome students from all disciplines where narrative is relevant.
For more information, see here.

LACE Winter School 2018: “The Uses of Narrative”

22-26 January, University of Tartu, coordinated by Prof. M. Grishakova.
See here for flyer.

Real Fictions: Resistance to and Reception of Contemporary Narratives
5-6 April 2018, University of Tampere, PinniB building (Kanslerinrinne 1, Tampere)
In the so-called “post-truth” age, the boundary between reality and fiction seems increasingly hard to distinguish: politicians spin stories; novelists and actors appear as self-named characters in novels, sitcoms, and movies; and historical events are narrativised in literary texts. Moreover, the post-truth or refer-fictional phenomenon reaches beyond the intentions of creators and beyond the fabric of texts. For one thing, the growing popularity of life-writing genres such as memoir, autofiction, and historical fiction demonstrates a desire on the part of consumers for (at the very least, a fictionalised version of) reality. For another, the media “echo-chambers” of the internet demonstrate a desire on the part of citizens for news and opinion that reflects their own perceptions of social and political reality, rather than an established authority. Ultimately, in the twenty-first century – when life becomes fiction and fictions have lived consequences – the dominant sentiments are personal or emotional versions of the truth, and such sentiments can be evidenced in texts created by writers and speakers as well as in the actions and responses of readers, viewers, and the voting public.
The programme can be found in here.

“The Stories of Hope and Fear: Mapping Emotions and Affects in Life, Arts, and Literature”
August, 2016. International conference at the Palmse Manor (Estonia).
Primary organizer Prof. Marina Grishakova (University of Tartu), Co-organizers School of Literary and Translation Studies (University of Tampere) and Department of Finnish Studies (University of Helsinki).
See here for the conference programme.

Summer Course in Narrative Study (SINS) at the Aarhus University
Since 2013, for updated information, see here.

Narrative Interactions

Prof. Gregory Currie’s seminar at Stockholm University