UT students newsletter

Academic affairs

Study in University has certain rules and regulations. For a successful process, student needs to know, understand and follow these rules and regulations. For example academic calendar and important dates etc.

›› New student dashboard in SIS

From 12 June, the SIS features a new student dashboard that brings all important information for learners together in one environment.

“The dashboard is logically structured and can become a useful tool for students. It was improved based on the feedback of students who were involved in its testing phase. With its new functions, the student dashboard is an excellent way to access important information quickly,” said Teele Kanarbik, Vice President of the Student Union.

Besides the usual shortcut to Moodle, the dashboard now also features a direct link to the university email inbox. The dashboard calendar view combines the academic calendar, the SIS timetable and the Moodle calendar. If desired, the timetable can be transferred to other calendars. The dashboard also provides important contact details (e.g. academic affairs specialist, programme director) and a link to register for counselling. For help with using the student dashboard, see the wiki guide.

Kerli Vals, the project manager of the student dashboard, said that five functions were developed based on student requests in the first stage and that further developments are planned in the future. “We are certainly looking forward to students’ feedback about the dashboard, but the plan for further developments is not in place yet.”

If you discover any errors when using the student dashboard, please report them to the SIS helpdesk (ois.tugi@ut.ee, 737 6615).

Read the news.

›› Some requests for fresh graduates of 2024

Congratulations on completing your degree! As your time at the University of Tartu comes to an end, we would like to draw your attention to some aspects.

* Remember to return all materials you have checked out from the library, unless you plan to remain in Tartu as a resident of the city.
* Be sure to pay any outstanding dormitory invoices. As stated in your dormitory agreement, dormitory accommodation is offered until graduation, not longer.
* If you currently hold a temporary residence permit (TRP) for study, you have the right to remain in Estonia for an additional 270 days after its expiry date. You may also work in Estonia during these 270 days. If you wish to travel abroad during this period, you need to apply for a special visa sticker which indicates the existence of the extension period. You will have to go in person to the Police and Border Guard Board (PBGB) Office to get this sticker. Further instructions are given in the section “Extension of stay in Estonia after expiry of TRP (270-day extension)” here.
* If you are holding TRP for study and leaving Estonia permanently, please send your TRP card by post to the PBGB (Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet | Pärnu str 139 | Tallinn, 15060) when you get back home.
* If you leave Estonia permanently, close your Estonian bank account and deregister yourself at the Population Registry. For that you need to visit the registry in person or contact Tartu Welcome Centre. Please see more information here.

The fresh graduates continuing at UT as a degree-seekers of any other programme and willing to apply for a new TRP, please inform the UT Office of Academic Affairs by filling the following form. UT will send the TRP invitation directly to PBGB, not to a student.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact at studentvisasupport@ut.ee.

›› Graduation ceremonies in 2024

The graduation ceremonies of the University of Tartu are held from 14 to 21 June. The live webcasts, recordings of ceremonies, and photos will be available on UTTV. Webcasts of graduation ceremonies held in the university assembly hall can also be followed in lecture hall 139 of the main building and on the large screen set up for guests in front of the main building. If the weather is hot, it is advisable to bring your water bottle. Graduates who want the university’s cap or ring can order it from shop.ut.ee.

Documents issued on graduation

If it is not possible to attend the graduation ceremony, students can pick up the diploma at the Office of Academic Affairs. Read more about documents issued on graduation.

›› Changes in the organisation of studies in the 2024/25 academic year

Studying for free becomes stricter next year. Read more about changes in the organisation of studies in the next academic year.

›› Some requests for fresh graduates of 2024

Congratulations on completing your degree! As your time at the University of Tartu comes to an end, we would like to draw your attention to some aspects.

* Remember to return all materials you have checked out from the library, unless you plan to remain in Tartu as a resident of the city.
* Be sure to pay any outstanding dormitory invoices. As stated in your dormitory agreement, dormitory accommodation is offered until graduation, not longer.
* If you currently hold a temporary residence permit (TRP) for study, you have the right to remain in Estonia for an additional 270 days after its expiry date. You may also work in Estonia during these 270 days. If you wish to travel abroad during this period, you need to apply for a special visa sticker which indicates the existence of the extension period. You will have to go in person to the Police and Border Guard Board (PBGB) Office to get this sticker. Further instructions are given in the section “Extension of stay in Estonia after expiry of TRP (270-day extension)” here.
* If you are holding TRP for study and leaving Estonia permanently, please send your TRP card by post to the PBGB (Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet | Pärnu str 139 | Tallinn, 15060) when you get back home.
* If you leave Estonia permanently, close your Estonian bank account and deregister yourself at the Population Registry. For that you need to visit the registry in person or contact Tartu Welcome Centre. Please see more information here.

The fresh graduates continuing at UT as a degree-seekers of any other programme and willing to apply for a new TRP, please inform the UT Office of Academic Affairs by filling the following form. UT will send the TRP invitation directly to PBGB, not to a student.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact at studentvisasupport@ut.ee.

›› Graduation ceremonies in 2024

The graduation ceremonies of the University of Tartu are held from 14 to 21 June. The live webcasts, recordings of ceremonies, and photos will be available on UTTV. Webcasts of graduation ceremonies held in the university assembly hall can also be followed in lecture hall 139 of the main building and on the large screen set up for guests in front of the main building. If the weather is hot, it is advisable to bring your water bottle. Graduates who want the university’s cap or ring can order it from shop.ut.ee.

Documents issued on graduation

If it is not possible to attend the graduation ceremony, students can pick up the diploma at the Office of Academic Affairs. Read more about documents issued on graduation.

›› Changes in the organisation of studies in the 2024/25 academic year

Studying for free becomes stricter next year. Read more about changes in the organisation of studies in the next academic year.

›› Graduation ceremonies in 2024

The graduation ceremonies of the University of Tartu are held from 14 to 21 June. The live webcasts and recordings of ceremonies will be available on UTTV. Webcasts of graduation ceremonies held in the university assembly hall can also be followed in lecture halls 139 and 140 of the main building and on the large screen set up for guests in front of the main building. If the weather is hot, it is advisable to bring your water bottle. Graduates who want the university’s cap or ring can order it from shop.ut.ee.

Documents issued on graduation

If it is not possible to attend the graduation ceremony, students can pick up the diploma at the Office of Academic Affairs. Read more about documents issued on graduation.

›› Changes in the organisation of studies in the 2024/25 academic year

Studying for free becomes stricter next year. Read more about changes in the organisation of studies in the next academic year.

›› Open calls in doctoral studies

There will be admission for all programmes and specialisations in May. Results are announced by 15 July.

›› Graduation ceremonies in 2024

The graduation ceremonies of the University of Tartu are held from 14 to 21 June. The live webcasts and recordings of ceremonies will be available on UTTV. Webcasts of graduation ceremonies held in the university assembly hall can also be followed in lecture halls 139 and 140 of the main building and on the large screen set up for guests in front of the main building. If the weather is hot, it is advisable to bring your water bottle. Graduates who want the university’s cap or ring can order it from shop.ut.ee.

›› As of 2024/2025, studying tuition-free at the same level of higher education for the second time will become stricter

The rules limiting free of charge studies for the second time at the same study level are described at homepage. These rules are relevant for the students, who are already studying on tuition-free study places (free of charge), yet planning to apply once again for a study programme of the same study level, where tuition fee is not charged.


›› Registration for courses starts on 15 May at 21

Registration for courses of autumn semester opens in Study Information System (SIS) on Wednesday, 15 May at 21 and closes in most cases before the beginning of the new semester, 1 September. On the SIS registrations page, courses can be added to the planner also before the registration opens (see guidelines), thus preparing for the new semester. Using the planner, you can simultaneously register for all the courses of the new semester when the registration opens. In the calendar view of the planner, you can conveniently see the whole load of the new semester and possible overlap. See also guidelines for registration for courses.

›› As of 2024/2025, studying tuition-free at the same level of higher education for the second time will become stricter

The rules limiting free of charge studies for the second time at the same study level are described here: https://ut.ee/en/content/restrictions-studying-tuition-free-second-or-more-time. These rules are relevant for the students, who are already studying on tuition-free study places (free of charge),  yet planning to apply once again for a study programme of the same study level, where tuition fee is not charged.

›› Timetable for the new semester can be planned in the SIS even before registration for courses

On the SIS registrations page, courses can be added to the planner (guidelines), thus preparing for the new semester. Using the planner, you can simultaneously register for all the courses of the new semester from 15 May at 21:00. In the calendar view of the planner, you can conveniently see the whole load of the new semester and possible overlap. If you cannot add a course to the planner, the registration data of the course syllabus may not be inserted by lecturer yet and you should try again later.

›› Tuition fees in academic year 2024/2025

›› Tuition fees in academic year 2024/2025

Download the table of tuition fees and the fee for reviewing RPL applications for the 2024/2025 academic year.

›› Studied semester

Since this week, half of the semester has passed. It is important to understand the essence of a studied semester for those planning to take academic leave this semester! A student, who takes the academic leave as of 22 April or later must be aware that this semester is considered a regularly completed (=studied) semester, meaning the required amount of ECTS credits must be earned for this semester in order to fulfill the expected work load. Student’s progress towards the completion of the curriculum is measured on the basis of completed (=studied) semesters, the standard volume for each completed semester is 30 ECTS credits.

›› International students using their 270-day right of stay in Estonia and graduating in June 2024 might need a visa

International students planning to graduate in June 2024 or later whose TRP for studies expired in 2023 and are currently using their additional 270 days (9 months) legal basis for staying and finishing their studies in Estonia, might need to apply for a long-term (D) visa at a PBGB service office.

If the additional 270-day period ends in May 2024, but the thesis defense and graduation take place in June 2024 or later, it is necessary to apply for an extra D-visa to cover your stay in Estonia. Please find the D visa application forms and instructions here. For the visa application, you need to ask for your study proof document (tõend õppimise kohta) from the Dean’s office or the Institute’s Academic Affairs Specialist.

The application must be submitted to the PBGB at least ten working days before the period of stay expires. Before going to the service office, please fill in the long-term (D visa) form in the visa pre-applications environment and have all other documents ready for submission. D visa application is accepted only once all documents are ready.

In case of any questions, please contact us at studentvisasupport@ut.ee.

›› By 22 April, half of the semester will be over

By 22 April, according to academic calendar, half of the semester will have passed and the current spring semester will be counted as a studied semester. It is important to understand the essence of studied semester, for those planning to take academic leave this semester. A student, who takes the academic leave as of 22 April or later must be aware that this semester is considered a regularly completed (=studied) semester for him/her, meaning required amount of ECTS credits must be earned for this semester in order to fulfill the expected work load. Student’s progress towards the completion of the curriculum is measured on the basis of completed (=studied) semesters, the standard volume for each completed semester is 30 ECTS credits.

›› Two-factor authentication will soon be necessary to log in to university’s information systems and environments

So far, all university staff and students had to use two-factor authentication for applications linked to their Microsoft account. Starting from 17 April, it will also be required when logging into the university’s information systems.

This change will affect the university’s information systems and environments with single sign-on (SSO), such as the study information system, wiki pages, document management system, intranet, etc.

Two-factor authentication provides additional protection and helps secure the user account even in case of password leakage. Three methods are available for authentication: using a password and authentication application; a password and SMS; or ID-card, mobile-ID or Smart-ID.

The authentication process generally requires a mobile phone, as the user must confirm the first login on each of their devices (laptop, desktop, smartphone, tablet, etc.). This confirmation needs to be done either through an authentication app or a code sent by SMS every 180 days. The Information Technology Office recommends using Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator.

Read more about two-factor authentication in the IT helpdesk wiki page.

Further information:
IT helpdesk
737 5500 (5500)
IT portal


›› Studied semester

By 22 April, half of the semester will be passed and the current spring semester will be counted as “studied” semester. It is important to understand the essence of studied semester, for those planning to take academic leave this semester. A student, who takes the academic leave as of 22 April or later must be aware that this semester is considered a regularly completed (=studied) semester for him/her, meaning required amount of ECTS credits must be earned for this semester in order to fulfill the expected work load. Student’s progress towards the completion of the curriculum is measured on the basis of completed (=studied) semesters, the standard volume for each completed semester is 30 ECTS credits.

›› Avoiding academic fraud

We are almost halfway through the semester and would like to remind everyone that the principles of academic ethics must be followed during the exams and the whole study process.

One of the most important aspects of academic ethics in both research and studies is avoiding academic fraud. In addition to reprimands and exmatriculation, according to the study regulations include the option for lecturers to issue warnings to students who have not followed the principles of academic ethics. Warnings are less severe than reprimands but can nevertheless result in a lower or a negative grade.

Warnings are inserted to SIS and will be deleted after two years. If a student is convinced that the warning issued is unfounded, he or she can appeal the warning by submitting a letter of explanation within five working days and request the academic fraud committee to process the case.

Read more on academic fraud and what the consequences entail.

Watch the video clips on academic fraud compiled by the Faculty of Social Sciences and the UT Student Union.

Let us respect our fellow students and lecturers and be honest.

The deadline for paying the tuition fee is 20 March for students who have to pay the tuition fee.

Admission to international master’s programmes will end on 15 March

English-taught bachelor’s and medicine programmes are open for admission until 15 April.

See further information on the admissions website.

The deadline for paying the tuition fee is 20 March for students who have to pay the tuition fee.

The deadline for paying the tuition fee is 20 March for students who have to pay the tuition fee.

UT’s international programmes are open for application!

The deadlines are the following:

  • 15 March for the master’s programmes and
  • 15 April for the bachelor’s programmes and the Medicine programme.

Further information can be found on the admissions website.

Check your contact data in SIS

Please check, add or update, if needed, your contact data in Study Information System (SIS). SIS needs to include functioning and currently used e-mail address, Estonian mobile phone number and home phone number and address in Estonia. It is student’s responsibility to guarantee that personal contact data is always updated throughout studies at the University of Tartu.
It is for your benefit to ensure that in the case of need, the university can contact you immediately.
Please also insert your bank account number in order to receive the stipends/allowances.

UT’s international programmes are open for application!

The deadlines are the following:

  • 15 March for the master’s programmes and
  • 15 April for the bachelor’s programmes and the Medicine programme.

Further information can be found on the admissions website.

UT’s international programmes are open for application!

The deadlines are the following:

  • 15 March for the master’s programmes and
  • 15 April for the bachelor’s programmes and the Medicine programme.

Further information can be found on the admissions website.

Start of spring semester

By February 12 the spring semester has started. The deadline of registration for courses is over (if there is no other deadline set in the syllabus).

Completion of curriculum

Students are required to complete the curriculum they are registered to. The university checks the students’ progress in completing their curriculum by the date preceding the start of the new semester. The percentage of completing the curriculum will be taken into account when applying for allowances and scholarships. For students who study on tuition waiver, the percentage of completing the curriculum determines whether you need to start to pay the tuition fee.

Enter your curriculum choices in SIS

All first-year students (admitted in the 2023/2024 academic year) can now enter choices in their curriculum in the SIS. The selected modules must be entered in the SIS today, 12 February 2024. These choices can later be changed.

First-year bachelor’s students must select all modules and courses of their main specialisation unless a later deadline for choosing the modules of the major specialisation has been set in the curriculum. If there are modules and courses to choose from at other study levels, the choices must be made by the beginning of the second semester.

Learners who have enrolled earlier can change and complete their choices if they wish. Second-year bachelor’s students (admitted in the 2022/2023 academic year) must select all modules required to complete the curriculum by the beginning of the spring semester.

It is important to select the modules and courses, as this will be the basis for calculating the percentage of curriculum completion, which is used to determine thereimbursement of study costs (if you are studying full time in an Estonian-taught curriculum) and when applying for stipends and allowances. Please note that you can submit a stipend application on the day after the module and course selection have been entered in SIS.

If necessary, contact your academic affairs specialist for advice.

Registration for courses ends

Registration deadline for the spring semester courses in Study Information System is February 11

Autumn semester has ended

According to academic calendar, the autumn semester ends on February 4 and on February 5 – February 11 there is winter holiday. The spring semester starts on February 12.

Choosing modules in SIS

Most of the first-year students (admitted in the 2023/2024 academic year) can now enter choices in their curriculum in the SIS. The selected modules must usually be entered in the SIS by the end of the first semester. As an exception, however, you can do so until the beginning of the second semester, i.e. 12 February 2024.

Students of the following curricula will have to wait a little longer to enter their choices:

All the students of these curricula will receive a notification of their choices by curricula to their university email address and to the SIS notifications mailbox. After receiving the notification, students can enter their curriculum choices in the SIS.

First-year bachelor’s students must select all modules and courses of their main specialisation unless a later deadline for choosing the modules of the major specialisation has been set in the curriculum. If there are modules and courses to choose from at other study levels, the choices must be made by the beginning of the second semester.

Learners who have enrolled earlier can change and complete their choices if they wish. Second-year bachelor’s students (admitted in the 2022/2023 academic year) must select all modules required to complete the curriculum by the beginning of the spring semester.

It is important to select the modules and courses, as this will be the basis for calculating the percentage of curriculum completion, which is used to determine thereimbursement of study costs (if you are studying full time in an Estonian-taught curriculum) and when applying for stipends and allowances. Please note that you can submit a stipend application on the day after the module and course selection have been entered in SIS.

If necessary, contact your academic affairs specialist for advice.

Completion of curriculum

Students are required to complete the curriculum they are registered to. The university checks the students’ progress in completing their curriculum by the date preceding the start of the new semester. The percentage of completing the curriculum will be taken into account when applying for allowances and scholarships. For students who study on tuition waiver, the percentage of completing the curriculum determines whether you need to start to pay the tuition fee.

Three important changes in the procedure for using email service

On 5 December, the Rector’s Office decided to amend the procedure for using the email service at the proposal of the Information Technology Office. The amendments still have to go through the approval process, but the most significant changes proposed concern forwarding the @ut.ee mail to external email addresses, archiving emails and managing the mailing list service.

Due to security concerns, the forwarding of @ut.ee emails to external email addresses will be stopped, and all current email forwarding will be cancelled as of 29 January 2024 at 15:00. After 29 January, people who have forwarded emails can only read the emails in their @ut.ee inbox either on the webpage kiri.ut.ee or by adding the @ut.ee mailbox in the email app on their smart device.

Choosing modules in SIS

The possibility to enter curriculum choices in the SIS will be opened for first-year students (those admitted in the 2023/2024 academic year) over this and the next week, curriculum by curriculum. Learners will receive a notification of their choices by curricula to their university email address and to the SIS notifications mailbox. After receiving the notification, learners can enter their curriculum choices in the SIS.

The curriculum modules must be selected in the SIS by the end of the first semester, by 4 February at the latest. First-year bachelor’s students must choose all modules of their main specialisation unless a later deadline for selecting the major specialisation modules is set in the curriculum. If there are additional modules to choose from at other study levels, the choice must be made by the end of the autumn semester of the first year.

Learners who matriculated earlier can change and complete their choices if they wish. Second-year bachelor’s students (those admitted in the 2022/2023 academic year) must select all the modules required to complete the curriculum by the end of the autumn semester.

Selecting the modules is essential, as this will be the basis for calculating the percentage of curriculum completion, which is used to determine the reimbursement of study costs (if you are studying full-time in an Estonian-taught curriculum) and when applying for stipends and allowances.

If necessary, please contact your academic affairs specialist for advice.

Become a peer tutor! 

Would you like to help new students who start in next academic year? And gain credit points and a valuable experience for it? Become a peer tutor!
Peer tutor is a volunteer student who has completed the Peer Tutoring course and who helps the newly arriving students in adaptation process in getting started at University of Tartu. All English-taught bachelor’s and master’s programmes are in need of one or couple of tutors. To become a tutor, you need to complete the 1st part of the Peer Tutoring course P2OO.00.007, 1. part in spring semester. The tutoring will be carried out during the 2nd part of the Peer Tutoring course (P2OO.00.007, 2. part) in autumn semester. Tutorship starts already in summer and ends at the end of the autumn semester.

Choosing modules in SIS

The possibility to enter curriculum choices in the SIS will be opened for first-year students (those admitted in the 2023/2024 academic year) over this and the next week, curriculum by curriculum. Learners will receive a notification of their choices by curricula to their university email address and to the SIS notifications mailbox. After receiving the notification, learners can enter their curriculum choices in the SIS.

The curriculum modules must be selected in the SIS by the end of the first semester, by 4 February at the latest. First-year bachelor’s students must choose all modules of their main specialisation unless a later deadline for selecting the major specialisation modules is set in the curriculum. If there are additional modules to choose from at other study levels, the choice must be made by the end of the autumn semester of the first year.

Learners who matriculated earlier can change and complete their choices if they wish. Second-year bachelor’s students (those admitted in the 2022/2023 academic year) must select all the modules required to complete the curriculum by the end of the autumn semester.

Selecting the modules is essential, as this will be the basis for calculating the percentage of curriculum completion, which is used to determine the reimbursement of study costs (if you are studying full-time in an Estonian-taught curriculum) and when applying for stipends and allowances.

If necessary, please contact your academic affairs specialist for advice.

Three important changes in the procedure for using email service

On 5 December, the Rector’s Office decided to amend the procedure for using the email service at the proposal of the Information Technology Office. The amendments still have to go through the approval process, but the most significant changes proposed concern forwarding the @ut.ee mail to external email addresses, archiving emails and managing the mailing list service.

Due to security concerns, the forwarding of @ut.ee emails to external email addresses will be stopped, and all current email forwarding will be cancelled as of 29 January 2024 at 15:00. After 29 January, people who have forwarded emails can only read the emails in their @ut.ee inbox either on the webpage kiri.ut.ee or by adding the @ut.ee mailbox in the email app on their smart device.

Become a peer tutor! Peer Tutoring course registration is open!

Would you like to help new students who start in next academic year? And gain credit points and a valuable experience for it? Become a peer tutor!
Peer tutor is a volunteer student who has completed the Peer Tutoring course and who helps the newly arriving students in adaptation process in getting started at University of Tartu. All English-taught bachelor’s and master’s programmes are in need of one or couple of tutors.

To become a tutor, you need to complete the 1st part of the Peer Tutoring course P2OO.00.007, 1. part in spring semester (be ready to learn the regulations and organisation of studies in University of Tartu!). The registration for Peer Tutoring course of spring semester is open in SIS! The tutoring will be carried out during the 2nd part of the Peer Tutoring course (P2OO.00.007, 2. part) in autumn semester. Tutorship starts already in summer and ends at the end of the autumn semester. See more information about tutoring here.

Three important changes in the procedure for using email service

On 5 December, the Rector’s Office decided to amend the procedure for using the email service at the proposal of the Information Technology Office. The amendments still have to go through the approval process, but the most significant changes proposed concern forwarding the @ut.ee mail to external email addresses, archiving emails and managing the mailing list service.

Due to security concerns, the forwarding of @ut.ee emails to external email addresses will be stopped, and all current email forwarding will be cancelled as of 29 January 2024 at 15:00. After 29 January, people who have forwarded emails can only read the emails in their @ut.ee inbox either on the webpage kiri.ut.ee or by adding the @ut.ee mailbox in the email app on their smart device.

Registration for courses is open from December 15 at 21.00

Registration for courses of spring semester opens in Study Information System (SIS) from December 15 at 21.00 and closes in most of the cases before the beginning of the new semester, February 11. On the SIS registrations page, courses can be added to the planner also before the registration opens (guidelines), thus preparing for the new semester. Using the planner, you can simultaneously register for all the courses of the new semester when the registration opens. In the calendar view of the planner, you can conveniently see the whole load of the new semester and possible overlap.

Become a peer tutor! Peer Tutoring course registration is open!

Would you like to help new students who start in next academic year? And gain credit points and a valuable experience for it? Become a peer tutor!
Peer tutor is a volunteer student who has completed the Peer Tutoring course and who helps the newly arriving students in adaptation process in getting started at University of Tartu. All English-taught bachelor’s and master’s programmes are in need of one or couple of tutors.

To become a tutor, you need to complete the 1st part of the Peer Tutoring course P2OO.00.007, 1. part in spring semester (be ready to learn the regulations and organisation of studies in University of Tartu!). The registration for Peer Tutoring course of spring semester is open in SIS! The tutoring will be carried out during the 2nd part of the Peer Tutoring course (P2OO.00.007, 2. part) in autumn semester. Tutorship starts already in summer and ends at the end of the autumn semester. See more information about tutoring here.

Registration for courses starts on December 15 at 21.00

Registration for courses of spring semester opens in Study Information System (SIS) on December 15 at 21.00 and closes in most of the cases before the beginning of the new semester, February 11. On the SIS registrations page, courses can be added to the planner also before the registration opens (guidelines), thus preparing for the new semester. Using the planner, you can simultaneously register for all the courses of the new semester when the registration opens. In the calendar view of the planner, you can conveniently see the whole load of the new semester and possible overlap.

Become a peer tutor! Peer Tutoring course registration starts on December 15

Would you like to help new students who start in next academic year? And gain credit points and a valuable experience for it? Become a peer tutor!
Peer tutor is a volunteer student who has completed the Peer Tutoring course and who helps the newly arriving students in adaptation process in getting started at University of Tartu. All English-taught bachelor’s and master’s programmes are in need of one or couple of tutors.

To become a tutor, you need to complete the 1st part of the Peer Tutoring course P2OO.00.007, 1. part in spring semester (be ready to learn the regulations and organisation of studies in University of Tartu!). The registration for Peer Tutoring course of spring semester will open on December 15 in SIS. The tutoring will be carried out during the 2nd part of the Peer Tutoring course (P2OO.00.007, 2. part) in autumn semester. Tutorship starts already in summer and ends at the end of the autumn semester.

Pay attention to the difference between UT Tutor Programme and UT Buddy Programme. In UT Tutor Programme you can help first-semester degree-seeking students as a trained peer tutor, while UT Buddy Programme just matches visiting international students with experienced international degree-seeking students. Buddies start already on spring semester, but future tutors will have the full training course on spring semester and will carry out the actions next year, working with newly admitted students as a part of official tutoring practice, receiving ECTS.

Choosing modules in SIS

By the end of the first semester, learners must choose the curriculum modules in SIS. Currently, only students who have started their studies before the 2023/2024 academic year can choose the modules in SIS.

Students who started their studies this autumn are still unable to enter their curriculum module choices in SIS. The SIS team will inform you immediately if we restore the possibility for this autumn’s new students to enter their module choices in SIS.

We also have to inform you that the “Selections in curriculum” page currently displays inaccurate information.

Three important changes in the procedure for using email service

On 5 December, the Rector’s Office decided to amend the procedure for using the email service at the proposal of the Information Technology Office. The amendments still have to go through the approval process, but the most significant changes proposed concern forwarding the @ut.ee mail to external email addresses, archiving emails and managing the mailing list service.

Due to security concerns, the forwarding of @ut.ee emails to external email addresses will be stopped, and all current email forwarding will be cancelled as of 29 January 2024 at 15:00. After 29 January, people who have forwarded emails can only read the emails in their @ut.ee inbox either on the webpage kiri.ut.ee or by adding the @ut.ee mailbox in the email app on their smart device.

Timetable for the new semester can be planned in the SIS even before registration for courses

On the SIS registrations page, courses can be added to the planner (guidelines), thus preparing for the new semester. Using the planner, you can simultaneously register for all the courses of the new semester from 15 December at 21:00. In the calendar view of the planner, you can conveniently see the whole load of the new semester and possible overlap. If you cannot add a course to the planner, the registration data of the course syllabus may not be inserted by lecturer yet and you should try again later.

Make sure your Estonian ID-code gets submitted

All international students who have already received their Estonian ID-code but have not added it to SIS are required to send the code to studentvisasupport@ut.ee. It is extremely important to have the ID-code in SIS in order for the student’s study data to be available in the Estonian Education Information System (EHIS).

You can check if your ID-code has been submitted to SIS under the “general information” section in your SIS account.

Make sure your Estonian ID-code gets submitted

All international students who have already received their Estonian ID-code but have not added it to SIS are required to send the code to studentvisasupport@ut.ee. It is extremely important to have the ID-code in SIS in order for the student’s study data to be available in the Estonian Education Information System (EHIS).

You can check if your ID-code has been submitted to SIS under the “general information” section in your SIS account.

Studied semester

Since this week, half of the semester has passed. It is important to understand the essence of a studied semester for those planning to take academic leave this semester! A student, who takes the academic leave as of November 13 or later must be aware that this semester is considered a regularly completed (=studied) semester, meaning the required amount of ECTS credits must be earned for this semester in order to fulfill the expected work load. Student’s progress towards the completion of the curriculum is measured on the basis of completed (=studied) semesters, the standard volume for each completed semester is 30 ECTS credits.

University of Tartu conducts a survey to improve university-related mobility of staff and students

The university will use the survey to find out what kind of mobility Estonia’s largest university brings about and what attitudes staff and students hold towards sustainable mobility. A part of the larger mobility survey is the questionnaire, which is open to all UT employees and students until 16 November.

Studied semester

By November 13th, we will be half-way through the 2023/24 autumn semester and it will count as a “studied” semester. This is particularly relevant to those planning to go on academic leave during this semester! A student who goes on academic leave as of November 13th or later must be aware that this semester will be considered a completed (=studied) semester, which means that the required amount of ECTS credits must be earned for this semester in order to fulfill the study requirements. Students’ progress towards the completion of the curriculum is measured on the basis of completed (=studied) semesters, the standard volume for each completed semester is 30 ECTS credits.

University of Tartu conducts a survey to improve university-related mobility of staff and students

The university will use the survey to find out what kind of mobility Estonia’s largest university brings about and what attitudes staff and students hold towards sustainable mobility. A part of the larger mobility survey is the questionnaire, which is open to all UT employees and students until 16 November.

Avoiding academic fraud

We are almost halfway through the semester and would like to remind everyone that the principles of academic ethics must be followed during the exams and the whole study process.

One of the more important aspects of academic ethics in both research and studies is avoiding academic fraud. In addition to reprimands and exmatriculation, study regulations include the option for lecturers to issue warnings to students who have not followed the principles of academic ethics. Warnings are less severe than reprimands but can nevertheless result in a lower or a negative grade.

Warnings are inserted to SIS and will be deleted after two years. If a student is convinced that the warning issued is unfounded, he or she can appeal the warning by submitting a letter of explanation within five working days and request the academic fraud committee to process the case.

Read more on academic fraud and what the consequences entail.

Watch the video clips on academic fraud compiled by the Faculty of Social Sciences and the UT Student Union.

Let us respect our fellow students and lecturers and be honest.

Survey of the Estonian language teaching at the University of Tartu. Please give your feedback!

International students are kindly invited to share their experience learning Estonian. Please fill in the questionnaire, even if you have not learnt any Estonian. Please ignore this invitation if you already filled in this questionnaire in the spring 2023.
The questionnaire is here:

https://survey.ut.ee/index.php/763194?lang=en (in English)
https://survey.ut.ee/index.php/763194?lang=et (in Estonian)

It takes up to 20 minutes to complete it. The survey data are gathered in an aggregated form, so they cannot be used to identify you. Your responses are anonymous. However, since the survey gathers respondents’ general background information, including language proficiency and use of language, you might be indirectly identified on that basis. In this case, such information is available only to the organiser of the survey, Kerttu Rozenvalde, and it is kept confidential. With any questions, please do not hesitate to contact kerttu.rozenvalde@ut.ee.

Research team: Kerttu Rozenvalde (Research Fellow in Language Policy, UT Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, kerttu.rozenvalde@ut.ee) and Tiina Kattel (Head of the Department of Languages of the Baltic Region, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures, tiina.kattel@ut.ee)

The students of the second study year and onwards, the deadline for paying the tuition fee is 20 October as described on the page of tuition fee.

Survey of the Estonian language teaching at the University of Tartu

International students are kindly invited to share their experience learning Estonian. Please fill in the questionnaire, even if you have not learnt any Estonian. Please ignore this invitation if you already filled in this questionnaire in the spring 2023.
The questionnaire is here:

https://survey.ut.ee/index.php/763194?lang=en (in English)
https://survey.ut.ee/index.php/763194?lang=et (in Estonian)

It takes up to 20 minutes to complete it. The survey data are gathered in an aggregated form, so they cannot be used to identify you. Your responses are anonymous. However, since the survey gathers respondents’ general background information, including language proficiency and use of language, you might be indirectly identified on that basis. In this case, such information is available only to the organiser of the survey, Kerttu Rozenvalde, and it is kept confidential. With any questions, please do not hesitate to contact kerttu.rozenvalde@ut.ee.

Research team: Kerttu Rozenvalde (Research Fellow in Language Policy, UT Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, kerttu.rozenvalde@ut.ee) and Tiina Kattel (Head of the Department of Languages of the Baltic Region, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures, tiina.kattel@ut.ee)

Estonian ID-code

International students who have got their Estonian ID-code outside of Tartu, please send it to studentvisasupport@ut.ee so that we can add it to your SIS profile (only if you have not done it yet)!

NB! Students who got their ID-code in Tartu do not need to send it to us because we have already received it from Tartu Welcome Centre.

Check your contact data in SIS

Please check, add or update, if needed, your contact data in Study Information System (SIS). SIS needs to include functioning and currently used e-mail address, Estonian mobile phone number and home phone number and address in Estonia. It is student’s responsibility to guarantee that personal contact data is always updated throughout studies at the University of Tartu. It is for your benefit to ensure that in the case of need, the university can contact you immediately.
Please also insert your bank account number in order to receive the stipends/allowances.

The students of the second study year and onwards, the deadline for paying the tuition fee is 20 October as described on the page of tuition fee.

Check your contact data in SIS

Please check, add or update, if needed, your contact data in Study Information System (SIS). SIS needs to include functioning and currently used e-mail address, Estonian mobile phone number and home phone number and address in Estonia. It is student’s responsibility to guarantee that personal contact data is always updated throughout studies at the University of Tartu. It is for your benefit to ensure that in the case of need, the university can contact you immediately.
Please also insert your bank account number in order to receive the stipends/allowances.

Proof of enrolment

If you need proof of enrolment at UT (for example for the employer), it can be requested from the respective dean’s office, institute, or college. Contact details are HERE.

Estonian ID-code

International students who have got their Estonian ID-code outside of Tartu, please send it to studentvisasupport@ut.ee so that we can add it to your SIS profile (only if you have not done it yet)!

NB! Students who got their ID-code in Tartu do not need to send it to us because we have already received it from Tartu Welcome Centre.

Proof of enrolment

If you need proof of enrolment at UT (for example for the employer), it can be requested from the respective dean’s office, institute, or college. Contact details are HERE.

Email address of University of Tartu and university’s information systems

An email account of the University of Tartu and the address in the form name.surname[at]ut.ee have been created for all the students. This is official email of the University of Tartu and should be used when communicating with University (lecturers etc). You can access your email account with most email applications (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) as well with the web interface (kiri.ut.ee).
This aims to ensure that all study-related information reaches all students smoothly and that all students can use the full functionality of the university’s information systems and Microsoft Office 365 solutions, including collaboration calendars, group work, notifications from Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive.

Problems with Moodle links

In some courses, there are errors in the links between the course and Moodle, which affect the updating of the course information in Moodle and the automatic transfer of learners to the course. As a result, learners who have registered for the course later may not be automatically added to the course.

Therefore, we ask all learners to log in to Moodle and check that they have access to all the required Moodle courses. If you do not have access to a required course, contact the teaching staff of the corresponding course. You can find the contact details of the teaching staff members on the university website.

Course registration deadline for the first year students is September 18

Information about registration for courses is here and the guidelines for course registration are given here. SIS planner is a helpful tool for drawing up your autumn semester’s timetable, planner helps to register for all selected courses at once. The guidelines for using planner are given here.

Problems with Moodle links

In some courses, there are errors in the links between the course and Moodle, which affect the updating of the course information in Moodle and the automatic transfer of learners to the course. As a result, learners who have registered for the course later may not be automatically added to the course.

Therefore, we ask all learners to log in to Moodle and check that they have access to all the required Moodle courses. If you do not have access to a required course, contact the teaching staff of the corresponding course. You can find the contact details of the teaching staff members on the university website.

Email address of University of Tartu and university’s information systems

An email account of the University of Tartu and the address in the form name.surname[at]ut.ee have been created for all the students. This is official email of the University of Tartu and should be used when communicating with University (lecturers etc). You can access your email account with most email applications (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) as well with the web interface (kiri.ut.ee).
This aims to ensure that all study-related information reaches all students smoothly and that all students can use the full functionality of the university’s information systems and Microsoft Office 365 solutions, including collaboration calendars, group work, notifications from Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive.

Orientation course topics and presentations

International students can find recorded videos as well as slide presentations from the orientation course of the 2023/2024 academic year here. Everybody that attended the orientation course or has watched the recorded videos, please take a few minutes and give us feedback about orientation course (until September 20). We would appreciate it very much!

Link to the feedback: https://forms.gle/KubyXuLAKyQk4XeHA

International student support

All the services described on https://ut.ee/en/counselling-centre are offered for the UT international students, additionally we offer support for international students regarding their specific needs.

UT student visa support (studentvisasupport@ut.ee):
– visa and residence permit assistance upon arrival
– advice on how to remain compliant with visa and residence permit requirements during studies

UT international student counselling (internationalstudent@ut.ee):
– arrival and welcome information
– other aspects you need to address but do not know whom to contact

The international student support team is located in the University of Tartu (Ülikooli 18), first floor, room 131, in the right wing of the UT main building. The entrance is from the courtyard. We are open from Monday to Friday 9-12 and 13-16 or according to the agreed time. Please book an appointment before coming at internationalstudent@ut.ee.

Course registration deadline for the first year students is September 18

Information about registration for courses is here and the guidelines for course registration are given here. SIS planner is a helpful tool for drawing up your autumn semester’s timetable, planner helps to register for all selected courses at once. The guidelines for using planner are given here.

Important dates in the 1st semester

Completion of curriculum

Students are required to complete the curriculum they are registered to. The university checks the students’ progress in completing their curriculum. More info here.

Choosing modules in SIS

By the end of the first semester, learners must choose the curriculum modules in SIS.Currently, only students who have started their studies before the 2023/2024 academic year can choose the modules in SIS.

Students starting their studies this autumn will temporarily be unable to enter their curriculum module choices in SIS. The SIS team will inform you immediately if we restore the possibility for this autumn’s new students to enter their module choices in SIS.

We also have to inform you that the “Selections in curriculum” page currently displays inaccurate information.

Orientation course topics and presentations

International students can find recorded videos as well as slide presentations from the orientation course of the 2023/2024 academic year here. Everybody that attended the orientation course or has watched the recorded videos, please take a few minutes and give us feedback about orientation course (until September 20). We would appreciate it very much!

Link to the feedback: https://forms.gle/KubyXuLAKyQk4XeHA

International student support

All the services described on https://ut.ee/en/counselling-centre are offered for the UT international students, additionally we offer support for international students regarding their specific needs.

UT student visa support (studentvisasupport@ut.ee):
– visa and residence permit assistance upon arrival
– advice on how to remain compliant with visa and residence permit requirements during studies

UT international student counselling (internationalstudent@ut.ee):
– arrival and welcome information
– other aspects you need to address but do not know whom to contact

The international student support team is located in the University of Tartu (Ülikooli 18), first floor, room 131, in the right wing of the UT main building. The entrance is from the courtyard. We are open from Monday to Friday 9-12 and 13-16 or according to the agreed time. Please book an appointment before coming at internationalstudent@ut.ee.

Maarja Kungla, International Student Counsellor, UT Office of Academic Affairs
maarja.kungla@ut.ee, tel +372 737 6214

Course registration deadline for the first year students is September 18

Information about registration for courses is here and the guidelines for course registration are given here. SIS planner is a helpful tool for drawing up your autumn semester’s timetable, planner helps to register for all selected courses at once. The guidelines for using planner are given here.
If needed, you can also contact your peer tutor with the questions related to registration and using the planner. As there will be info sessions for newly admitted students, delivered by the UT academic units, we advise you wait with registrations and get more detailed instructions in those sessions.

Important dates in the 1st semester

Completion of curriculum

Students are required to complete the curriculum they are registered to. The university checks the students’ progress in completing their curriculum. More info here.

Choosing modules in SIS

By the end of the first semester, learners must choose the curriculum modules in SIS.Currently, only students who have started their studies before the 2023/2024 academic year can choose the modules in SIS.

Students starting their studies this autumn will temporarily be unable to enter their curriculum module choices in SIS. The SIS team will inform you immediately if we restore the possibility for this autumn’s new students to enter their module choices in SIS.

We also have to inform you that the “Selections in curriculum” page currently displays inaccurate information.


Orientation course topics and presentations

International students can find recorded videos as well as slide presentations from the Orientation Course of the 2023/2024 academic year here.

The opening ceremony of the 2023/2024 academic year of the University of Tartu

The opening ceremony of the 2023/2024 academic year of the University of Tartu takes place on Monday, September 4th at 10:00 in front of the main building.

For new, first year students

Newly admitted students can enter UT’s Study Information System (SIS) already today, on August 28 – that is one week before the official beginning of the academic year 2023/2024. The academic year itself begins on September 4. By today, all of you should have received your login credentials, check e-mails sent by arvutiabi@ut.ee. The students, who have studied at UT in the past and start in a new programme this autumn, will not have new login credentials, but need to use their former ones. If you have forgot your password, please check here.

In SIS you can plan and register for the courses. The guidelines for course registration are given here. SIS planner is a helpful tool for drawing up your autumn semester’s timetable, planner helps to register for all selected courses at once. The guidelines for using planner are given here.

The deadline for course registration for the first-year students is September 18, 2023.

If needed, you can also contact your peer tutor with the questions related to registration and using the planner. As there will be info sessions for newly admitted students, delivered by the UT academic units, we advise you wait with registrations and get more detailed instructions in those sessions.

Good luck with your studies and enjoy your time at the University of Tartu!

Orientation Course

Orientation Course for the new international students is designed to make the start of the university life as smooth as possible. You will find different sessions and events to help you settle better. Orientation course will take place on August 31 – September 1.  On the first day there will be on-site sessions in the Delta Centre (Narva mnt 18, Tartu). Please find the full schedule here.

Practical information and student essentials for incoming international students can be found on the UT Getting Started page. Also do not forget to check the Arrival ABC  and the checklists for international students!

Course registration deadline for the students of the second year and above

Course registration deadline for the autumn semester is September 3 (2nd year students and above). Course registration deadline for the first year students is September 18.

Extension of studies

The students, whose end of studies is approaching (check SIS for the final date of your studies), need to submit an application for extension before the final date of studies to the respective dean’s office, institute, or college.

Most important changes taking effect in Study Regulations from academic year 2023/24

Tuition fees in academic year 2023/24

The opening ceremony of the 2023/2024 academic year of the University of Tartu

The opening ceremony of the 2023/2024 academic year of the University of Tartu takes place on Monday, September 4th at 10:00 in front of the main building.

Extension of studies

The students, whose end of studies is approaching (check SIS for the final date of your studies), need to submit an application for extension before the final date of studies to the respective dean’s office, institute, or college.

Most important changes taking effect in Study Regulations from academic year 2023/24

Tuition fees in academic year 2023/24