
NearEU Module offers new activities in the fall semester

The following post originally appeared on the J. Skytte Institute’s website (October 4th) 

As the Fall semester is proceeding at full steam, the Jean Monnet Module “Neighbourhood Enlargement and Regionalism in Europe” (NearEU) offers a wide range of activities and courses related to Europeanization of the European Union’s Eastern neighbourhood, candidate countries, and wider Europe.

In particular,

  • Seven NearEU Talks with Former President Toomas Hendrik Ilves within the framework of the course “The European Union – Current Affairs”. The forthcoming topics include The Future of the Digital Single Market (October 08); The recent developments in the Eastern Neighbourhood (October 22); EU’s East-West divide (November 12); The European Green Deal and Green Transition (November 26), and Democratic Backsliding in the EU (December 10). The events are announced through the Facebook page of “European Union – Russia Studies” and opened to everyone interested.
  • Re-opening of the 6-week MOOC on “Common Challenges of Competing Regionalisms” (2 ECTS). The course includes the pre-recorded video-lectures and interactive multimedia material by in-house Skytte staff and partnering experts of the module. The MOOC is open from October 18 to November 28 on the Learning Management System of the University of Tartu – Moodle. Registration closes on October 14 and is available at the following link. The course is free of charge and is open to everyone interested in the topic!
  • Three courses supported by the module: “The European Union – Current Affairs”“Introduction to the European Union”, and “EU History and Integration Process”.
  • One course developed and updated within the framework of the module: “Regional Integration Processes in Europe and Eurasia”.
  • A number of NearEU MasterClasses by partnering experts and decision-makers. Some of the forthcoming events include: Dr. Rejna Shehi Zenelaj (Epoka University, Albania) on October 28, Ms. Yana Toom MEP (RenewEurope) on October 29, and Ms. Marina Kaljurand (S&D) on November 05. The master classes are announced through the Facebook page of “European Union – Russia Studies” and opened to everyone interested.
  • Study visit to Tallinn on November 27-28 including meetings with representatives, policy-makers, institutions, and think-tanks. 

The project is coordinated by the University of Tartu and led by Dr. Stefano Braghiroli – Associate Professor of European Studies and Director of the Master’s Programme in “European Union – Russia Studies” – and Ms. Anna Beitane – Manager of Online Learning Projects at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies. It includes a network of partners from Albania, Armenia, Montenegro, Poland, and Ukraine. Particular attention is devoted to the involvement of junior instructors and early stage researchers.

The module aims to create new knowledge, tools, and resources related to the evolution of partners’ and candidates’ relationship with the EU and alternative models of regionalism. NearEU is functional to the creation and the support of the new “European Union – Russia Studies” module within the framework of the master’s programme in “International relations and regional studies” at the J. Skytte Institute of Political Studies.

For more information, please contact: Stefano Braghiroli, academic coordinator of the project and Associate Professor of European Studies,

Ilves_NearEU Talk