
NearEU material

In the following section you will be able to find material which has been developed within the framework of NeaEU Jean Monnet Module. The page is divided into two parts “For educators” and “For learners”.

The following page contains support and didactic material, which was developed within the framework of the Module’s activities. The added value of digital materials is functional to the active exchange of good practices and the collaborative design of teaching material. Internal and external educators are free to use the database/Module’s website of didactic materials in teaching their respective courses. The materials can be easily adapted for various levels and types of courses thus feeding into existing and new courses related to various aspects of developments in Europe and Eurasia.

The following page contains information about the learning opportunities available for students of the University of Tartu and partnering experts, involved in the Module. Some opportunities, such as MOOCs and master-classes can be also accessed by external participants. The following study opportunities are aimed at increasing empirical knowledge of the issues related to comparative regionalism in the European and Eurasian context; improving their research and collaborative skills.