
Access the NearEU e-book on didactics of preparing and running simulation exercises

NearEU Module is delighted to present the open access e-book didactics of preparing and running simulation exercises. 

The e-book was coordinated by the University of Tartu in collaboration with partnering experts of the Module. It draws from the experience of collaborative development of teaching and learning material, specifically when it comes to form of active-learning and conducting simulations of EU decision-making, of the Eastern Partnership Summits, or of similar multi-lateral decision-making fora both in the context of the NearEU Eastern Partnership Simulation exercise and of the teaching activities of the courses “Integration processes in Europe and Eurasia” and “EU Enlargement and the Challenges of Wider Europe”.

The e-book represents a toolbox and teaching manual for educators, who are interested in organizing and implementing similar simulations in their respective HEIs. 

The e-book fills in a relevant gap in the literature when it comes to the study materials, instructions, and templates that support the organization of multi-lateral simulation, with specific focus on the case of the Eastern Partnership Summits.

It facilitates the exchange of best practices and the diffusion of ideas and of innovative teaching methods that favour the bi-direction and interactive involvement of students in the teaching activities far beyond the context of the EaP summits. The e-book could be accessed in the section of NearEU website dedicated for educators. 



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