
NearEU MOOC is nominated for the “E-course of the Year 2023” Award!

We are extremely proud to announce that the NearEU MOOC “Impact of Changing EU-Russia Relations on the Development of Eastern Partnership” has received the e-course quality mark and has been nominated in the category of “E-Course of the Year 2023” by Estonia’s Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education (Eesti Kõrg- ja Kutsehariduse Kvaliteediagentuur – EKKA). The main results of the competition, will be announced at the spring seminar “HAKA digiõppe kvaliteedi kevadseminar” on May 19, 2023, where the main coordinator of the MOOC, Anna Beitane, will present the course to the audience. 

In 2023, 66 courses from various universities, colleges, vocational education institutions and general education schools across Estonia were recognized as worthy of the e-course quality mark. Among the main recipients, 8 courses were nominated for the e-course title of the year, including the Johan Skytte Institute’s “Impact of Changing EU-Russia Relations on the Development of Eastern Partnership” course! 

According to Anna Beitane, “our entire team is very grateful to EKKA and the evaluating committee for recognizing our MOOC with such a high honor. It is also very encouraging to see that already second MOOC of the NearEU Module has received the following nomination in a consecutive year!” 

The aim of the e-course Quality Label is to improve the quality of e-courses offered by educational institutions and to share best practices. The Quality Label affirms the very good quality of the e-course and is a recognition for the creator and organiser of the e-course, who have achieved excellent results in the application of digital technologies in the learning process. The Quality Label of the e-course affirms to the learner that the course and its level of delivery meet the quality requirements. The e-course Quality Label has been issued in Estonia since 2008. 

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