
NearEU material for learners

The following section is aimed at students. The section lists all upcoming learning and study opportunities offered as part of the Module’s activities.   

Check the trailers and enroll in the new NearEU courses offered within the framework of the Module.

Trailer for the courses offered in the autumn 2022 

Trailer for the courses offered in the autumn 2021

Trailer for the courses offered in the spring 2021

Enrol in our new MOOC “Impact of Changing EU-Russia Relations on the Development of Eastern Partnership” (received E-course quality mark and was nominated for the “E-course of the Year 2023” award). Registration for the spring opening, starts from December 15th, 2022 and closes on March 2, 2023. 

EaP logo         e-course logo 23 _1

Enrol in our new MOOC “Common Challenges of Competing Regionalisms” (won the title of “E-course of the Year 2022”, nominee for the ENLIGHT “Teaching and Learning Award 2022”). Registration for the spring opening, starts from January 9th and closes on April 20th, 2023. 

mooc logo     e-course label 22      enlight

Register to NearEU Graduate Conference. The deadline to submit presentation proposals is May 10, 2023. 

grad sonf 2023

Participate and register to the NearEU study visit to TallinnSubmit your application at the following link by October 31.

study trip Tallinn


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