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  1. Lippus-Metsaots Hedda. Interpersonal violence in Estonia: prevalence, impact on health and health behaviour. DISSERTATIONES MEDICINAE UNIVERSITATIS TARTUENSIS. University of Tartu Press, 2021. Kättesaadav: https://dspace.ut.ee/items/f11a6b45-aa54-4f5b-8bac-a25621745d23
  2. Laanpere Made. Factors influencing women’s sexual health and reproductive choices in Estonia. DISSERTATIONES MEDICINAE UNIVERSITATIS TARTUENSIS. University of Tartu Press, 2015. Kättesaadav: https://dspace.ut.ee/items/fcd3e7ff-1b4b-4f42-b833-44e5688e92d0
  3. Part Kai. Sexual health of young people in Estonia in a social context: the role of school-based sexuality education and youth-friendly counseling services. DISSERTATIONES MEDICINAE UNIVERSITATIS TARTUENSIS. University of Tartu Press, 2015. Kättesaadav: https://dspace.ut.ee/server/api/core/bitstreams/1355ead0-f8cb-4e83-8488-2a34b69524b7/content


  1. Ottep Katri. Rasestumisvastaste meetodite kasutamine, sellega seotud tegurid ja barjäärid 16-44-aastaste naiste hulgas Eestis. Magistritöö rahvatervishoius. Peremeditsiini ja rahvatervishoiu Instituut. Tartu, 2017. Kättesaadav: https://dspace.ut.ee/items/23884bbe-7eeb-4e51-887c-c870a431ca86
  2. Sildnik Liis. Viljatus ja viljatuse tõttu arstile pöördumine ning sellega seotud tegurid Eestis aastatel 2004 ja 2014. Magistritöö rahvatervishoius. Peremeditsiini ja rahvatervishoiu Instituut. Tartu, 2017. Kättesaadav: https://dspace.ut.ee/items/a5d39d09-5c10-4431-9732-ac79bf0bfb17


  1. Lippus, H.; Laanpere, M.; Part, K.; Ringmets, I.; Karro, H. (2021). Polyvictimization and the Associations Between Poor Self-Perceived Health, Dissatisfaction With Life, and Sexual Dysfunction Among Women in Estonia. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36 (7-8), 3922−3940.
  2. Lippus, H.; Soo, K.; Laanpere, M.; Yount, KM.; Part, K.; Ringmets, I.; Ainsaar, M.; Karro, H. (2020). The prevalence and patterns of exposure to interpersonal violence among men and women in Estonia. PLoS ONE, 15 (8), ARTN e0237562.
  3. Lippus, H.; Laanpere, M.; Part, K.; Ringmets, I; Karro; H. (2020). What do we know about the impact of sexual violence on health and health behaviour of women in Estonia? BMC Public Health, 20,1897.
  4. Ottep, K.; Laanpere, M.; Ringmets, I. (2019). Rasestumisvastaste meetodite kasutamine 16–44aastaste naiste hulgas Eestis: levimus, sotsiaalmajanduslikud ja tervishoiuteenustega seotud võimalikud barjäärid. Eesti Arst 2019;98(3):135–143.
  5. Part, K.; Ringmets, I.; Laanpere, M.; Rahu, M.; Karro, H. (2016). Contraceptive use among young women in Estonia: Association with contraceptive services. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 21 (2), 132−140.
  6. Part, K.; Laanpere, M.; Lippus, H. (2016). Seksuaalvägivalla levimus, riskirühmad ja hoiakud Eestis. Ariadne Lõng, 15 (1/2), 142−152.
  7. Dubikaytis, T.; Härkänen, T.; Regushevskaya, E.; Hemminki, E.; Haavio-Mannila, E.; Laanpere, M.; Kuznetsova, O.; Koskinen, S. (2014). Socioeconomic differences in self-rated health among women: a comparison of St. Petersburg to Estonia and Finland. International Journal for Equity in Health, 13, 39−39.
  8. Laanpere, M.; Ringmets, I.; Part, K.; Karro, H. (2013). Intimate partner violence and sexual health indicators: a population-based study among 16−44-year-old women in Estonia. European Journal of Public Health, 23 (4), 688−693.
  9. Laanpere, M., Rahu, K., Part, K., Dubikaytis, T., Karro, H. (2012). Ethnic differences in factors associated with the use of contraception among 20- to 44-year-old women in Estonia and St. Petersburg, Russia. Contraception, 86 (2), 132−140.
  10. Regushevskaya, E.; Dubikaytis, T.; Laanpere, M.; Nikula, M.; Kuznetsova, O.; Karro, H.; Haavio-Mannila, E.; Hemminki, E. (2010). The determinants of sexually transmitted infections among reproductive age women in St. Petersburg, Estonia and Finland. International Journal of Public Health, 55 (6), 581−589.
  11. Regushevskaya, E.; Dubikaytis, T.; Laanpere, M.; Nikula, M.; Kuznetsova, O.; Haavio-Mannila, E.; Karro, H.; Hemminki, E. (2009). Risk factors for induced abortions in St Petersburg, Estonia and Finland. Results from surveys among women of reproductive age. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 14 (3), 176−186.
  12. Laanpere, M.; Rahu, K.; Part, K.; Haldre, K.; Karro, H. (2009). Naiste eelistused ja rahulolu pereplaneerimise nõustamisega Eestis. Eesti Arst, 88 (11), 715−723.
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