Multimodaalne suhtlus


The 5th European and the 8th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication

16‒17 October, 2017

Bielefeld University, Germany

New MA program on Multimodal Communication starting in September 2017 at the Vrije Universiteit/VU in Amsterdam, Netherlands

The one-year program, taught in English, welcomes applications from students holding or completing a Bachelor’s degree in linguistics, English, or language and communication. Core courses in the program concern the study of talk as a combination of speech and gesture, the differing roles of text and images in print and online communication, metaphor in various media as a means of framing ideas, and genres as a basic-level category of discourse events. Upon completion, students will be awarded an MA in Communication and Information Studies. Learn how there’s more to communication than meets the eye.

Details are available here:

Information on fellowships can be found here:

The 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication

University of Copenhagen

29-30 September 2016

The Third European and the 6th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication (MMSYM2015)

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

September 17, 18, 2015

The Second European Symposium on Multimodal Communication

University of Tartu, Estonia

August 6-8, 2014

Research Training Course Pointing to Gestures

4‒8 August 2014

University of Tartu, Estonia

The course will feature two invited lecturers:

Alan Cienki, VU University, Amsterdam and Moscow State Linguistic University

Kirsten Bergmann, University of Bielefeld, Germany


11. mail 2012 Tartu Ülikoolis


Suhtluspäev III: „Hääl ja ruum“

Reedel, 13. mail 2011 suhtlusuurijate ja doktorantide suuliste ja kirjalike

suhtlusmaterjalide analüüsi ja arutelukoosolek


Suhtluspäev II: „Suhtlusruum − kas suhtlusraam?“

Reedel, 14. mail 2010 suhtlusuurijate ja doktorantide teksti- ja suhtlusmaterjalide analüüsi ja arutelukoosolek


Suhtluspäev „Suhe, suhtlemine ja suhtluskontekst“

Reedel, 15. mail 2009 suhtlusuurijate ja doktorantide kõnekoosolek



Konverentsi “Mälu, suhtlus, kultuur” ja suhtluspäevi on osaliselt toetanud Eesti Teadusfondi grant nr 8008.