Tartu Microsatellites workshop 2024


Structure of the summer school
The programme will contain the following items:

  • Inroductory lectures about planned microsatellite missions as well as by space technicians about the technological state of the art of the field and on practicalities like funding
  • Planning of research projects in space and planetary research by the participants in small groups: In this part, attending scientists and technologists will be available as advisors to the participants. This will allow organisers to simulate the suggested missions together with the participants in an interactive way.
  • Guided tour of the communication facilities and the space technology labs of the Tartu Observatory in Tõravere (which also constitute valuable infrastructure that can be of use for the planned projects).
  • Presentations of their projects by participants and discussions and feedback on them.

Participants will also have the possibility to display their own research results in a poster session.

Scientific presentations
The following people will give presentations at the summer course:

Wolf Geppert, Stockholm University, Sweden

Daniel Hestroffer, Observatoire Paris-Meudon, France

Henrik Tuomas Kahanpää, University of Tartu, Estonia

René Laufer, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

Nigel Mason, University of Kent, UK

Mihkel Pajusalu, University of Tartu, Estonia

Jaan Praks, Aalto University, Finland

Andris Slavinskis, Tartu Observatory, Estonia

Ralf Srama, University of Stuttgart, Germany 

Martin Tajmar, Technical University Dresden, Germany

Martin Hilchenbach, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research

Preliminary programme
The PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME of the summer course can be downloaded at the end of this page!

Poster session
The poster session will be held on Saturday, the 24th. DIN A0 in portrait format should be OK. The poster walls are grey.

Participants will be allowed a 4-minute presentation for their posters (no discussion). The presentation will take place in the lecture room at the Estonian Biocentre at Tartu University, Riia 26b. Powerpoint slides can be used. For a smooth run of these poster talks, they are asked to bring their talks on a memory stick.

Posters can be printed at nearby Kaanoni Koopiakeskus, W.Struve 3. Online submission of posters for printing is possible. The organisers cannot give any guarantee for timely printing of posters. Early submissions of posters to print out are thus highly encouraged.

There will be two excursions: a half-day excursion to the Lake Peipsi area and Ice Age Centre on August 29th and a one-day excursion to South Estonia, also visiting UNESCO World Heritage Setu culture sites on August 31st. We will also go on for an afternoon walk through the old city on Friday 27th, with a visit to Tartu Old Observatory.