* In march 2020 Marta Putrinš and Karin Kogermann in radio “KUKU”  podcast about  the action of antibiotics and treatment of chronic wounds with new antimicrobial wound covers

Articles in popular scientific/technical journals in national and international media:

As outcome of our soft skills training (WP 4) TUIT PhD students have published articles:

1.           Kristiina Kurg “Melanoomi diagnoos vaid veretilgast”, Kodutohter magazine. (online version in November )

2.           Kristiina Kurg “Skin-cancer diagnostics from just a drop of blood  could it really be true? 5. Nov 2020

3.           Mariliis Hinnu, Science portal Novaator “Smart designer cells are useful in drug development and in environment surveillance”

4. Mariliis Hinnu, English translation of the Novaator article above:

5. Margit Meiesaar, “Mariliis Hinnu lahendab tuleviku meditsiini probleeme” (Mariliis Hinnu solves the problems of the future medicine). 1.10.2021 web-portal targeted for youth


6. Krõõt Arbo, „Taimne toit kui vahelüli inimese ja mullabakterite vahel“ (Vegetarian food as a connection between human and soil bacteria), popular science magazine Horisont 3/2021 not peer reviewed, OA, no embargo


7.  Marilin Vikat „Soolemikroobidele on vaja anda meelepärast toidupoolist“ (Gut microbes need to be given the food they like) – interview with Björn Schröder and Nelson Gerkara visiting for winterschool. 29. march 2022, daily newspaper Postimees, not peer reviewed, OA, no embargo


8. Martin Kala „Kurikavala viiruse vastu“, (Defeating malicious virus) 7. august 2022 magazine Kodutohter, not peer reviewed, OA, no embargo


9. Niilo Kaldalu „Bakterid, kes teesklevad surnut ja kavaldavad üle antibiootikumid“, (Bacteria who will pretend to be dead and oversmart antibiotics„ popular science magazine Horisont 1/2022


9. Airika Harrik, „Sääsehaiguste leviku võti peitub putukate süljes“, (The cure for the diseases spread by mosquitoes is in their saliva“, 14.06.2022 Science portal Novaator interview with Clive McKimmie during the Arboviruses conference


10. Fatemeh Rastgar, „How robots can guide us safely through the pandemic“ The blog of University of Tartu, 26.03.2021