Call for Papers

All topics related to learner corpus research based on any language are welcome. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Language for Academic Purposes
  • Language for Specific Purposes
  • Language Teaching, Assessment and Testing
  • Learner corpus-based SLA studies
  • Corpora as pedagogical resources
  • Multimodal learner corpora
  • Software for learner corpus analysis
  • Corpus-based translation studies
  • English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI)
  • English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)
  • Data mining and other explorative approaches to learner corpora
  • Statistical methods in learner corpus studies
  • Discourse analysis and pragmatics
  • Studies related to lexis: semantics, metaphor, etc.
  • NLP approaches
  • Complexity, accuracy and/or fluency (CAF) analysis

There will be four different categories of presentation:

  1. Full paper (20 minutes + 10 minutes for discussion)
  2. Work in Progress (WiP) report (10 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion)
  3. Corpus/software demonstration
  4. Poster

The WiP reports and posters are intended to present research still at a preliminary stage and on which researchers would like to get feedback. The language of the conference is English.

University of Tartu Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures
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