Abstract Submission

The abstract should be:

  • A short summary of the intended presentation, capturing the central idea along with the research questions, methods of research and the (possibly tentative) key conclusions, also citing any relevant previous work or theoretical background of the field
  • On unpublished original research
  • Complemented by 3-5 keywords
  • Limited to 300 words, excluding keywords and references
  • Anonymous: the abstract itself should hold no reference to the author or their affiliation

The working language of the conference is English. If your abstract (and presentation) contains examples from other languages, please translate (and if relevant, gloss) them. At most one single-authored and one joint abstract per participant will be considered. Talks and software demonstrations will be 20 minutes in length, followed by 10 minutes of discussion time. Work-in-progress reports will take place in sets of two 10-minute presentations followed by time for a few questions. Posters will be presented at designated sessions.

For co-authored presentations, one author should act as the submitting author and provide the required information regarding the submission, but the decisions about acceptation will be communicated to all authors and all presenting authors are expected to register individually for the conference and pay the participation fee. At most one single-authored and one joint abstract per participant will be considered. To submit a second abstract, please fill out the submission form a second time.

Submissions open: 9 October 2023 – 22 January 2024 5 February 2024

Abstract review period: 23 January 2024 – 4 March 2024


There will be a competition for the best single-authored full paper given by a PhD student. If you are both a PhD student and an LCA member, and if you’re presenting a single-authored full paper, you can participate in the competition. Remember to indicate that you are interested when submitting your abstract in EasyChair. Click here for details of how to become an LCA member.

There will also be a best poster competition.

The awards are courtesy of Benjamins Publishing Company.

University of Tartu Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures
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