Speed at the Crossroads of Language, Perception and Action


  • Taremaa, P., Kiik, J., & Veismann, A. (2024, August 22). The expression of vertical motion in light of the goal-over-source asymmetry. SLE 2024, Helsinki.
  • Taremaa, P. (2024, June 5). Speed meaning in adverbs and super adverbs: Results of two rating studies. SALC9, Trondheim.
  • Taremaa, P., Veismann, A., & Speed, L. J. (2024, May 17). The impact of speed-induced language on the processing of Goal-oriented visual scenes: An eye-tracking study in Estonian. AFLiCo 9, Lyon.
  • Veismann, A., & Taremaa, P. (2024, May 17). Encoding path and manner in metaphorical motion sentences. AFLiCo 9, Lyon.
  • Taremaa, P. (2023, November 16). Asymmetries in language: Space and speed in Estonian. SALTA talk.
  • Taremaa, P., Kiik, J., & Veismann, A. (2023, August 8). Zooming into manner: The uneven structure of speed adverbs in Estonian. ICLC16, Düsseldorf.
  • Veismann, A., Taremaa, P., & Kiik, J. (2023, August 8). Fictive motion event structure in Estonian. ICLC16, Düsseldorf.
  • Taremaa, P. (2022, March 29). Liikumiskiiruse väljendamisest eesti keeles. TÜling, Tartu.
  • Taremaa, P., Kiik, J., Toots, L. K., & Veismann, A. (2022, August 17). Do we talk differently when we describe fast motion? Evidence from the frog stories experiment in Estonian. SALC8, Turku.
  • Taremaa, P., Kiik, J., Toots, L. K., & Veismann, A. (2022, April 21). Kiirusest keeles. EKKÜ ettekandepäev, Tartu.
  • Taremaa, P., & Kopecka, A. (2022, March 2). The expression of speed-related information: A corpus study of Estonian motion verbs. DGKL/GCLA-9, Zoom.
  • Taremaa, P., & Kopecka, A. (2021, September 1). The expression of motion speed in a morphologically rich language. SLE 2021, Zoom.
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