(English below)
Teisipäeval, 15. oktoobril kell 16.15-17.45 peab Tartu Ülikoolis Mõtteloo kollokviumi sarjas külalisloengu Ottawa ülikooli kaasprofessor Nigel DeSouza. Loengu teemaks on “Herder ja Kant elufilosoofiast ja moraali alustest: saksa valgustuse kaks mudelit, kaasaegse perspektiiviga”. Loeng toimub Jakobi 2-114.
Loengu toimumist toetab uurimisgrant PUT PRG942 “Rahvaste enesemääramine ajaloolises perspektiivis”.
Kõik huvilised on oodatud! Palume oma osavõtust teatada siin:
Lisainfo: Eva Piirimäe, eva.piirimae@ut.ee
Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituut
Herder ja Kant elufilosoofiast ja moraali alustest: saksa valgustuse kaks mudelit, kaasaegse perspektiiviga
Kuidas me peaksime kontseptualiseerima elu? Milline on mateeria ja elu vaheline suhe? Kas elu ja moraali vahel on fundamentaalne seos? Ettekande eesmärk on avada Johann Gottfried Herderi (1744-1803) ja Immanuel Kanti (1724-1804) erinevaid vastuseid nendele küsimustele ning visandada seejuures kaks erinevat saksa valgustuse mudelit inimese ja inimühiskonna mõistmiseks. Nende kontseptsioonide keskmes on Herderi ja Kanti vastavad teooriad hinge ja keha suhtest, mille juures küsimused hinge kui eluprintsiibi või mõtleva vaimu olemuse, dualismi, antidualismi ja hinge-keha vastastikmõju kohta on esmatähtsad. Viimases osas pöördume nende küsimuste uurimisel kaasaegse perspektiivi poole, nii nagu selle on välja pakkunud Evan Thompson oma kognitiivteadusliku enaktivismi teoorias, uurides lähemalt, mil moel nii Herder kui ka Kant jõudsid selle huvitava teooria oluliste aspektide sõnastamiseni.
Nigel DeSouza on Ottawa ülikooli kaasprofessor. Tema uurimisalaks on Johann Gottfried Herderi filosoofia, varauusaegne filosoofia ja kaasaegne eetika. Ta on avaldanud artikleid Herderi metafüüsikast, epistemoloogiast, keele-, ajaloo- ja moraalifilosoofiast ning Herderi vastavatest dialoogidest tema eelkäijate ja kaasaegsetega, nt Leibnizi, Wolffi, Baumgarteni, Shaftesbury, Rousseau, Mendelssohni ja Kantiga. Tema artiklid on ilmunud mitmetes kogumikes ja ajakirjades nagu The British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Intellectual History Review, Herder Yearbook, Herder Handbuch (2016), ning kogumikus, mille ta ise on kaastoimetanud, Herder: Philosophy and Anthropology (2017, OUP). DeSouza on uue Cambridge Herder Translations sarja peatoimetajaks. Sarjas on ilmumas (2025) viis köidet Herderi filosoofilisi teoseid inglisekeelses tõlkes, millest kahele ta ise on tõlkijaks. Kaasaegsest eetikast on DeSouza avaldanud artikleid Charles Taylorist ning eetilise toimimise alustest (ajakirjades nagu Ethical Theory and Moral Practice). Hetkel töötab ta Herderi elufilosoofiat käsitleva monograafia kallal.
On Tuesday, 15 October, from 4:15-5:45pm, Nigel DeSouza, Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa, will give a guest lecture at the University of Tartu. The topic of the lecture will be “Herder and Kant on the philosophy of life and the foundations of morality: two models of German enlightenment, with a modern perspective”. The lecture will take place at Jakobi 2-114.
Everyone interested is welcome!
The lecture is sponsored by the Estonian Research Council’s research grant PUT PRG942 “Self-Determination of Peoples in Historical Perspective”
Additional information:
Eva Piirimäe, eva.piirimae@ut.ee
Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies
Herder and Kant on the philosophy of life and the foundations of morality: two models from the Aufklärung, with a contemporary perspective
How should we conceptualize life? What is the relationship between matter and life? Is there a fundamental connection between life and morality? This talk will aim both to unpack the divergent answers to these questions that can be found in the work of Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803) and Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and, in so doing, to outline two different models from the German Enlightenment for conceptualizing the human being and human society. Central to these conceptions are Herder and Kant’s respective theories of the soul-body relationship, where questions about the nature of the soul as principle of life or thinking spirit, about dualism, anti-dualism, and interaction, are paramount. In a final section, we will turn to a contemporary perspective on these questions: the cognitive scientific theory of enactivism, as articulated by Evan Thompson, and explore the interesting ways in which this theory was anticipated by both Herder and Kant.
Nigel DeSouza is Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy, University of Ottawa. He works on the philosophy of Johann Gottfried Herder, early modern philosophy, and on contemporary ethics. He has published articles on Herder’s metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language, philosophy of history, and moral philosophy in the context of his dialogue with predecessors and contemporaries, such as Leibniz, Wolff, Baumgarten, Shaftesbury, Rousseau, Mendelssohn, and Kant. His articles have appeared in several edited volumes, The British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Intellectual History Review, Herder Yearbook, the Herder Handbuch (2016), and in a volume he co-edited, Herder: philosophy and anthropology (2017, OUP). He is the general editor of the Cambridge Herder Translations (forthcoming 2025), comprising five volumes of Herder’s philosophical works in English translation, for which he is also translator of two volumes.In contemporary ethics, he has published articles on Charles Taylor and on the foundations of ethical agency (in Ethical Theory and Moral Practice). He is currently working on a monograph on Herder’s philosophy of life.