Islam: Religion, Culture and Changing Societies

Week II

Topics of the week:

  • Which societies are ready to practice democratic systems?
  • The political history of the Middle East, North Africa and the Arab region.
  • What is the meaning of democracy and secularism in the Middle East, North Africa and Arabia?
  • Why are the countries of the Middle East, North Africa and Arabia facing major challenges, and how they are related to religion?

Goals for the week:

  • Understand the dilemmas that are involved in discussing and generalizing the politics of the Middle East, North Africa and the Arab region.
  • To analyze the political situation in the Middle East, North Africa and the Arab region from a historical perspective.
  • Understand why there are different regimes and little democracy in the Islamic countries.
  • Recognize the importance of religion in the politics of the Middle East, North Africa and the Arab world.