Islam: Religion, Culture and Changing Societies

One-minute speech

Make a short one-minute speech on a topic related to Islam. For example, make a speech on the following topics:

1. What does Ramadan mean for Muslims?

2. What does halal food mean for Muslims?

The following statements are helpful when composing the speech (select the correct statement).


Halal food

Correct statements

During Ramadan, it is essential to avoid anger and immoral behavior and show compassion.

Ramadan fasting is the complete abstinence from eating, drinking, and sexual intercourse, which begins at dawn and lasts until sunset and is repeated during the 30 days of Ramadan.

Ramadan is associated with the revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad, and therefore reading the Qur’an during Ramadan is a significant obligation.

The fast of Ramadan can be postponed by the sick, pregnant and traveling.

The fast of Ramadan expresses the unity of the Islamic community, where everyone may experience hunger, young and old, rich and poor.

After the end of the fast, Muslims worldwide celebrate the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

During the fast of Ramadan, between sunset and sunrise, there are two meals – iftar and sahur.

The holiest night of Ramadan is called Lailat al-Qadr – that night, God revealed the first verses of the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad.


Wrong claims

The fast of Ramadan is associated with a sad event.

During Ramadan, Muslims do not eat or drink for 30 days and 30 nights.

During Ramadan, small amounts of food may be drunk and eaten.

The fast of Ramadan is primarily related to giving up eating and drinking.

Ramadan must be observed by every Muslim, young and old, sick and healthy while traveling and at home.

After the end of the month of fasting, Muslims worldwide celebrate and bring sacrifices.

Muslims believe that the entire Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during the month of Ramadan.

The fast of Ramadan was observed before the Prophet Muhammad.


Correct statements

In Islam, eating is understood as serving God; eating is like prayer, fasting, giving alms, and other religious practices.

For Muslims, eating is not just about consuming food; it is about surviving and maintaining good health.

Islam is not only a religion but also a way of life, so religious guidelines, rules, and customs govern all areas of life.  Since food is an integral part of everyday life, food laws are of particular importance in Islam.

Muslims are forbidden to eat pork.

Muslims can eat everything, also pork if necessary, for survival.

Halal food means permitted food, and it does not only indicate what kind of meat is eaten but also how the animal has been killed.

The animal used for halal food must be perfectly healthy.

Muslims are forbidden to eat animal blood.


Wrong claims

Muslims can offer pork to non-Muslim guests and eat it with them to express hospitality.

Islamic law regulates only religious matters, and dietary instructions are not included in the law.

Muslims are allowed to consume small amounts of alcohol.

Muslims are not allowed to eat pork but may use pork products such as gelatin and bacon.

Muslims are allowed to eat synthetic meat.

The term halal (permitted) only applies to meat products.

Muslims can eat blood sausage to blend into Estonian culture.

Muslims can eat all kinds of meat, including rabbit, pork, and lamb.

Halal food means that Muslims are not allowed to eat pork.

Muslims are not allowed to eat fish.