Islam: Religion, Culture and Changing Societies

Week V

Topics of the week:

  • Is the Islamic religion homogeneous and monolithic?
  • Different interpretations of Islam and new movements have existed throughout history.
  • Ibadites have existed from the beginning of the 8th Century, next to the Sunnis and Shiites.
  • Alevis are Muslims in Turkey but are recognized as a separate religion in Germany.
  • The Ahmadi community sees itself as a modernizer of the Islamic faith.
  • How does talking about inner diversity change perceptions of Islam?

Goals of the week:

  • Change the perception that Islam is a homogeneous and monolithic religion.
  • Understand that new interpretations arise within every religion and that new groups are formed within religions.
  • Understand that Alevis, Ibadites, and Ahmadis are different directions of Islam. These trends do not define themselves as Shiites or Sunnis, but they understand themselves as Muslims.
  • Understand that the different directions of Islam are, by most Muslims (Sunnis), either excluded, understood as heresy, or accepted by default.